Saturday 3 March 2018

Are Committed Relationships becoming 'Extinct'?

Written by Netisha Alie 

It is my wish to see long lasting, faithful and genuine relationships flourish in 2018 and beyond, however in my observation it seems to be becoming a 'thing of the past'. Why is it that as a young lady I am so eager to see people in love and weathering the storms and seasons together year after year? Why am I so concerned that there aren't many couples to look up to and get hope that there are actually relationships out there that put in the work and stay the course, maintaining the vow-'till death do us part...'?
Photo by Netisha Alie 

It was never God's plan to see so many broken homes with children in between. In fact His word speaks greatly on love and couples becoming one from Genesis when He gave Adam Eve and saw it as 'a good thing' when a man 'finds a wife'. When a man and a woman genuinely work together, they create a solid team that can build great things and raise children who will continue the 'legacy'. A 'gift' the devil clearly doesn't want to see enjoyed by many. It is the power of unity and having a 'helpmate' to take on life's tugs and turns that makes it great.

I am not sure if it was the fairy tales we read when growing up that lead us to believe that people fight for their love in the beginning then they live 'happily ever after...' or if we are just 'too lazy' to stick around when pressure strikes. -Either way, is there anything in this life that is worth having that isn't worth fighting for?

There are way too many separated and divorced families around along with people who do not want to commit so they 'pass time'. This is therefore so apparent that one would think it is becoming the norm, while committed relationships are slowly thrown out the door. Why do we want life so easily? Why do we feel so 'entitled' like the world owes us something and if we do not get it we 'bounce'?

The saddest part in all this is the end result. Many tend to over look one tiny detail in all this that will eventually grow into a huge dilemma. -Children! Should they have to grow between two homes and be made to choose between mommy and daddy? What examples will they have to follow? What hope do we give them? Children become a direct product of this mess and are likely continue the cycle, especially if there are no other options to choose from.

Do you truly want a relationship with another human? A helpmate or team player? Take your time, ask God for His divine counsel and choice, don't mess with people's feelings, be real... If you don't see a person in your future, let them go so the one who does can have them, respect other people's relationships. Is this too hard to do?

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  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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