Monday 19 July 2021

Three reasons you should support your family/friends business

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

Author of Walking a Two-Way Street book  

Many people have started businesses and found out that the ones who support them the least are their friends and family? 

Why is that so? This has been happening for ages because Jesus said;  “a prophet is not without honour, except in his hometown and in his household. (Amp)” 

We need to definitely change that narrative. 

Here are at least three (3) reasons why: 

  1. You know them best and you know what they are capable of so you’re the best person to support them and refer them to customers who do not know them. 
  2. To keep money in your circle; we sing this song at my church “we are going up, we’re going together, we’re going up to prosper in the name of the Lord…” it’s better when you and those around you are elevating together. This reduces envy, it encourages and inspires family and friends to elevate themselves. 
  3. Who are you gonna borrow money from? If you support your friends and family’s business then you know where you can go if you’re in a rot and need assistance. Can you ask the total stranger for that kind of help? 

So let’s support each other today and let’s go up together! 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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