Friday 5 October 2018

Godly Relationships: Not Even Your God Given Partner is Worth Losing Yourself to!

Relationships can be viewed as a definite part of human nature! From the beginning God created man and established a relationship with him. Then equates man’s relation by providing him with a like-minded being. Woman! They were created to be a team and given purpose and goals to accomplish. Dominate Earth! 

Written By Netisha Alie 
5th Oct 2018

Photo by Netisha 

This almost second to nature part of us is also the root to many of our successes as well as our failures. So much of our lives revolve around relationships. Thus how do we engage in  relationships correctly so that they can bear great fruits? 

There isn’t really a manual in relationship perfection due to the complexity of our minds and personalities but there sure are useful tips that can help you get on your way. 

I am no relationship coach or expert but I have had enough failed ones to know a pinch of salt that I’m happy to share with you. We all know what a pinch of salt can do to a salt less meal. 

Firstly, godly relationships are not the same as worldly relationships. The principles that govern each are both different. God’s intension for our unions is surely one where the man should love his WIFE as Christ loves the church and give up himself for her, to sanctify her by washing her with the water of the word. While wives should submit to their HUSBANDS in everything as the church submits to Christ.-Ephesians 5:25-26.

 In order to gain the ultimate satisfaction of such agape love, you are going to have to take some steps and intentional courses of action. You have to WORK at it! Discipline and consistency!

Firstly, always pray to love God first –He is your first love. In doing so you lay down the foundation on which your relationship will sit on.  We love because HE first loved us. 1 John 4:19 We simply cannot love if we do not know Love in itself, which is God. 
Photo by Netisha 

When you love God He will then see it fit to bless you with the individual He knows can be your best teammate. Where you are weak he/she will be strong and where you are strong he/she will be weak and so when put together-interdependent -you’ll move mountains! 

You are not connected because you are perfect but to become the sand paper each other needs.- To smoothen each other as you prepare to get a fresh coat of vanish then finished with high quality gloss. –Iron sharpens iron! -Proverbs 27:17. Hence there are mutual benefits in the two of you rubbing each other efficiently.

Emotions and feelings should not govern your relationship choices. Yes we love but there is a choice to be made in this love. God gave us a choice! It has always been about choosing. First choose to seek God’s divine plan for us then we make the decision to recognize and ‘stick it out’ no matter what. 

Too often we are so quick to give up from the first sign of struggle. There will be testing and difficulties but remember “Iron sharpens Iron, Sand paper smoothens wood…” Pray for the discernment to know the difference between a RED FLAG and a LESSON to help you grow. If God placed you there, He won’t leave you and will guide you along the way. 

Your partner isn’t someone you merely have feelings for, as feelings will change. Instead they must be on your team for the purpose of accomplishing greater things together as you help each other grow. 

Never let trust issues of your past creep into your current relationship! This could lead to making your partner your greatest focus where you spend time calculating his/her every move to determine if they are being true.

Understand who your partner is and how much time they spend doing certain things. That way you won’t have to be stressing over them doing what they have to but rather keep yourself busy. -When you both meet you'll have a lot to discuss. Allowing each of you to be yourselves! –Freedom, for there is no fear in love, since perfect love drives out all fear. 1 John 4:18

TRUSTING your partner does not mean trusting those around him/her. - Ensure that he/she understands that they are trusted and speak to them in love about the concerns you may have about these persons to avoid seeming insecure. Which could lead to unnecessary arguments. 
Photo by Netisha 

Lastly, you may not want to accept or seek advice from too many different outside sources. Know that everyone’s life story varies and pray for the discernment to know what works for you along with what tips you can use or disregard. 

On your quest to truly experiencing the relationship God has in store for you, remember it takes daily effort of selfless acts and aims of out-serving your partner while you team up to accomplish great things. 

Be patient and not jealous, 
Respect yourself and your relationship along with that of other’s, 
Be teammates because it will be both of you and God against the world.
Do you stop loving your partner when you’re angry? Don’t, instead pray for them and trust God to heal what is broken.
Don’t get comfortable-Yes you know you’re coming home to each other but always seek ways to keep the flame burning!

May the Lord bless you with the one He has chosen for you and may He cover your union under His wings as you stay in Him ALWAYS! Read: Luke 14:26! 

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