"Sometimes the source of our limitations is ourselves and to truly know, we must be willing to reflect and identify it then pray and devise suitable solutions. "
Written By Netisha Alie
Written By Netisha Alie
I’ve watched a bit of The Exorcist and Constantine movie and heard a priest saying he once prayed for a 12 year old who lifted up his “huge” desk in his office. However, none of it was truly real to me until my new walk with God!
We walk through each day looking at ourselves and others and casting random judgements based on our own understanding BUT the way people behave, the things they go through, the circumstances of life we encounter are they truly random? Or is there a source driving it all?
CONSEQUENCES: Let’s be honest with ourselves. We hear it all the time; “to every action there is a reaction” What you put out that you get in, “what goes around comes around,the Bible says “you reap what you sew...” Give and it will come back to you” need I say more?
As humans we must understand these saying are not random but are actually true and meaningful. We cannot expect to keep doing certain things and not reap the rewards, good or bad. So when certain situations in life hit us we must examine ourselves to determine where it came from.
Things can and will happen to us because of the bad horrible choices we make and there are consequences that we’ll eventually have to face.
My dad believes that great things are happening to him because he must have done something good or right in his life. There are others who probably share in this perspective and vice versa.
Now surely bad things still happen to good people which has nothing to do with what they have done, but rather another source other than themselves is channeling that mess.
Or the Creator allowing situations to help us grow, which in this case is “all things working together for the Good to them who are in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:28
SPIRITUAL ATTACKS: Whether you are an atheist, religious or believer of Jesus, especially a believer of Jesus Christ; Spiritual Attacks are extremely REAL! If you are experiencing certain situations in your life: recurring, random, unexplainable acts you might be under Spiritual Attack! The psalmist speaks of “bloody men” who “lie in wait for his soul...not for his transgressions nor his sin...” -Psalms 59:2-3
You do not have to do anything to get attacked in the spiritual realm. People see you and envy breeds from their hearts. The enemy sees the calling on your life and aims to destroy it. And that is enough motivation to make you a target.-Blocking the righteous seed.
These attacks can come in various ways, draining finances, mental or physical ailments, "deranged" children or family members, (because those close to you will be used to get to you) generational curses, failing relationships, mind games, oppression on your job, even right in your church.
There are various ways to be attacked spiritually and some of it is done through people, some through mind games of the enemy and some through supernatural encounters.
These situations can equally be your Consequences, but this is where channeling your source is paramount to gaining your freedom from it all.
We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, rulers of darkness of this world and wickedness in high places. -Ephesians 6:12 This scripture is one of many informing us of the spiritual world that we are up against! Jesus’ 3 year mission was spent driving out many of said forces and liberating God’s people from them. (See the Gospels)
Jesus is no longer with us in the physical realm but He gave His followers the power to do the same through Him. -Freedom!
This life is not permanent and while we’re here it’s wise to know what we are facing. We encounter and will continue to encounter challenges in this life but in order to truly deal with our circumstances we MUST know the root and sometimes it is physical and a direct consequences of our actions, while other times it is a spiritual attack!
Ask God for the discernment to know the difference and may He free us from any and everything that is not of Him in Jesus' Name!
Sometimes the source of our limitations is ourselves and to truly know, we must be willing to reflect and identify it then pray and devise suitable solutions.
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