Showing posts with label real love. Show all posts
Showing posts with label real love. Show all posts

Friday, 30 March 2018

Why do Christians celebrate Good Friday?

People tell you they love you all the time. Whether it is your parents, your best cousin, a 'lover' or that creepy guy/gal you just met.-Someone has told you that they love you. However, just how much do they 'love' you? Would any of them die for you if the two of you were in a life and death situation and one of you had to die? Would they give up their heart for you if you needed a heart transplant? How about being held at gun point, would they keep their stance? Just how much do they 'love' you?

Every year between the months of March and April, christians around the world celebrate this day called GOOD FRIDAY! Now if this day is supposed to be remembered because God sent His only son to be crucified, (on that day) John chapter 3, where is the 'Good' in someone's death? . Do we say "Good" and rejoice when someone dies? This seems unnatural doesn't it.

Just why do these people (christians) celebrate a day when their 'savior' Jesus was brutally beaten, 40 times with a multiple lash whip, tortured, then made to carry a cross that He would then be nailed to and left to die? Doesn't sound like an experience to celebrate but rather to mourn right?

While Jesus truly endured quite a death penalty, Christians do not celebrate His pain but rather celebrate the purpose of it all. Jesus could only go through all this for a genuine purpose or purposes.  He even asked God to take it away from Him and spare Him from this if it was possible, although He knew how it would end. Luke 22:42 "Father if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done" Why else would anyone innocently endure all this?

 1. He did it out of obedience to God His father, who sent Him for that purpose. Even when Jesus asked to be delivered from this sacrifice He remain obedient to God, His father, saying; 'not my will but YOURS (God's) be done.'

2. LOVE! Jesus knew that His pain and suffering was to SAVE God's creation (people/humans) and to give them a gateway to actually have a shot at meeting the Father. Before Jesus, was the law, the one that says 'an eye for an eye...' Exodus 21:23-25... How many of us today can safely say if this law was still prevalent that we'd make it to heaven? NONE!

So when you see christians celebrating Good Friday, going to church, praying, fasting, watching Passion of the Christ, eating saltfish and doucouna, or even sharing Good Friday Memes it isn't just another day or a Friday that we thank God for, but one where we remember the Ultimate Sacrifice of Pure Agape Love. One that saved us from the penalty of our sins and opened a gateway for us to have a shot at seeing our heavenly Father!  Ain't that something worth making a big deal about? Happy Good Friday!

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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