Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label demons. Show all posts

Friday, 20 May 2022

The Power of The Secret Place!

 Written and orated by Netisha Alie-Grant- Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street & Podcaster on The Essence of Life) 

Key Life Area: Relationships

Create for yourself an atmosphere so godly that the “demons” cannot come near it! 

Listen to Podcast 

Scriptural Reference: Psalms 91: 9-10 “if you say that the Lord is your refuge and you make the Most High your dwelling… 10.  No disaster will strike no violence will come near your home…” 

Key points:


Demon -an evil spirit or devil, especially one thought to possess a person or act as a tormentor in hell. -Oxford Languages 

-As a child of God (I.e Engaged in a relationship with God) you have the authority to speak against demons being in your presence, to pray that certain spirits of the people be separated from you once they do not give God glory! 

Based on your relationship with them (family, friend…) you may (through God) love them and witness to them but you shouldn’t be a part of them. (Do not be deceived: evil company corrupts good habits” 1 Corinthians 15:33)

-Aside from speaking/praying them away you can also let your lifestyle and actions speak too. There is a saying that actions speak louder than words. Just by living your life for God, many people will automatically separate themselves from you because it is contrary to their beliefs. Does that mean that you may end up friendless? Perhaps, but as Gloria Copeland puts it in her book: Live Long, Finish Strong; “…it is better to be alone than to be surrounded by people who are dragging you toward an early grave.” 

Besides, God will send you like minded friends who value the same things you do in Him, to live and understand you. 

So stay true until He does! Better to stand by what is right than to follow the crowd or please the spirit of the people. 

Thus, take a look at your life, are you dwelling in the secret place of God where there is great blessings & protection? 

Are you living on the fence with one foot in the world and the other towards God? Or are you fully committed to speaking and living a fulfilling life as God created you to live, so much so that anyone contrary will either join you or separate from you? 

Fill in your answer: 


If you are not in the latter yet, but desire to create that space so rich in Christ that your light shines so brightly, darkness cannot come near you, what steps will you take? 

Begin a relationship with God by praying; “Lord I acknowledge that I am a sinner, I repent of my sins, come into my heart, I accept you as my Lord & Saviour, from this day (mark the date) and forever. I want to dwell in your secret place. Clean me and renew me unto yourself and for your glory! In Jesus name I pray, amen!” 


Read again and live out Psalms 91! Pray it daily till it becomes your lifestyle! 

Read & live 2 Corinthians 6:14 to 7:1 “…. Let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” #CestBonSoundsGood 

Submit a prayer request! 

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The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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