Showing posts with label God overcame the world. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God overcame the world. Show all posts

Monday, 12 March 2018

It costs to live holy!

I once told my dad that Jesus said one must deny their own family to follow Him and he was quite baffled by the idea. Surely he understood it in its basic terms that one must abandon his father to follow God. However, I proceeded to explain that it meant that not even your family, the ones you love so dearly or even your own life should come before God.
photo by Netisha Alie 
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In Luke 14:25-34 Jesus turns to the crowd following Him and says 26" If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters,- yes even their own life- such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 and whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. "

He went on to explain how people plan and calculate the cost of projects before they embark on them to ensure that they are prepared and have what it takes to complete it. (Verses 28 - 32) Then reiterates in verse 33. "in the same way those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciple." 

Did Jesus really mean this? What is He truly saying to the person who wishes to become a Christian, one of His followers? -That they must leave everything behind and focus on Him? Waw! Sounds like a lot to give up for 'the man in the sky' doesn't it?

Well He meant it and knew exactly why He said it. To truly live as Jesus' disciples, you cannot allow anything in this world to come between you and Him. And because of this, you are expected to become a loner at times, walking in the wilderness, just you and God. People will curse you, criticize you, say you are brainwashed or in a cult and even say that you act like you are better than them because you chose not to live a certain way anymore. Gee expect to lose some friends along the way, but this is the "Cross" Jesus was talking about. 

You must take it up and KEEP WALKING! The devil will use just about everyone around you to bring shame to you, attacking you from every angle. You'll be wounded and they will still throw salt in your wounds. It will come from your family, friends, children, job, any and everything that you love and care about is likely to be used against you. 

photo by Netisha Alie 
I believe that's why most Christians backslide, because they just can't take the 'heat.' However if you stick around long enough God is Faithful and He will perfect everything that is concerning you. He never said it was easy, He just said it will be worth it. 

In my one year in this walk, I have seen people walk out of my life, most likely God took them out :), coworkers have tried to get me fired, i've been misunderstood, told I was brainwashed and acting cultish and hopefully i'd wake up soon, called 'holier than though', man rumors and all sorts of crap! Guess what? I have gone through them all and saw God move in greater ways each time. The very tongues that cursed me are now asking me to pray for them... interesting eh? :) Ah, but that is just how God works and I am more than happy to help. 

It doesn't matter what you endure while carrying your 'cross' in this life, God will avenge you, for when the world rise up against you, God is the greater one and He is with you. It will be hard but once you recognize that the highest power in life is on your side, the victory is already won and know that; you're gonna be just fine...' John 16:33 "these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION, but be of good cheer; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! KJ21 Ain't that great news?! 

So if you wish to be a follower of Jesus, know it is not a walk in the park, there will be many battles and the cost is very high, BUT it is all worth it in the end! As my intro asks;  "dare to join the journey?" Why have it any other way? :) 

*Updated in September 2020 to add this song: All That matters by GUC! Have a listen, God bless you! 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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