Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label salvation. Show all posts

Monday, 27 September 2021

14 year old makes a bargain with God and later realizes it was the best decision of her life.

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

[Author of Inspirational book: Walking a Two-way Street]

Do you know what makes believers different from the rest of the people in the world? They make a personal choice and vow to dedicate their lives to having a relationship with their creator: God Almighty.

Though there are people who do this freely without needing a "push," it is not so for everyone who commits their life to a relationship with their maker.

Most people give their hearts to God in the midst of a crisis, in those moments when they come to the realization that whatever they are facing is beyond themselves and need a saviour's divine supernatural intervention. 

One such person, like many of us, went as far as making a "bargain" with God. 


Trinity:  "I gave my heart to God when I was 14..." 

The short version of my story on how I gave my life to God begins with my grandfather becoming unexpectedly ill and he was on what the doctors described as "the brink of death." It was then that I told God; "if He saves my grandfather’s life I will give Him my life in return." And He did.

I had always desired to have a strong relationship with God but I didn’t know where to start until my grandfather's ailment. Many of my peers were surely doing the opposite but I realized that people always wait till they’re old and grey to give their life to Jesus. However, tomorrow is never promised so why should I wait? 

As young people, we desire to feel free and we want to “live our best life.” However, I  have learned that All the fleshly things you do when you are young or old will never be able to fill the void of not having a true relationship with Jesus Christ.

Living in the flesh, which is a life where you are only feeding the fleshly part of your body while starving your spirit which is who you really are, is destructive to your spirit. God breathes life into you and that 'life' leaves your body in death. But the peace and love you get from a relationship with God is eternal and lives on long after your flesh returns to the earth. 

The Bible states, “For what does is it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Matthew 16:26. So for example your flesh would be enjoying partying at secular places, fornication, having idols (people in your life or things like work), and other guilty pleasures of life.  These all feel good but are very temporary gratifications. 

Knowing this I gave my life to God because I recognized that I didn’t only want Him, but I need Him. If I’m not doing the will of God I feel empty and I have no purpose without Him. So I decided to live my best life, but with and In Jesus also.

I must admit It has been a very challenging journey, I have fallen short of God’s glory many times, I’ve put my emotions, desires, people, and things above Him at times. I have many struggles but I have faith that God would continue to mold me into the young woman of God He intends for me to be. I also want to be sure that when my flesh returns to the earth, my spirit will spend eternity with my creator. 

I am able to remain on His path thus far because of the constant reminder and conviction of the Holy Spirit. I made a promise to give my life and not turn back and I want/need to be obedient to Him. Also, having godly friends/family members who can hold you accountable is very encouraging as well. It’s always good to have godly influences and people who can help pull you up when you’ve drifted away from God. 

My grandfather is doing ok and I am living my best life with God.

Lastly, how does one maintain that personal relationship with God? It takes work like any good thing and relationship:  "In spite of what you’re feeling or going through, remain committed and obedient to God, rise above that feeling/situation and build your Spirit man through prayer (constant communication with God), fasting, READING THE WORD OF GOD (apply it to your life not just read ), worship/praise, and let His will be done in your life. 

Keep pressing! As the song goes, “it’s not easy but it’s worth it”. Surround yourself with godly counsel and ensure your heart is always in a posture of worship to God. Ask God DAILY for a heart of repentance. Your flesh must be denied and controlled daily, “let yourself decrease so He can increase “- John 3:30. Be blessed!

Monday, 21 September 2020

Why are some people afraid of Baptism?


The words of one of the most fearless figures of the Bible: John The Baptist. (see Matthew 3:2) 

John’s Ministry was transformation and preparation for the coming saviour Jesus Christ whom he would later baptize. 

So what is BAPTISM and why is it so significant to the Christian believer?

Miracle Ministries International Baptism
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Baptism: a common practice amongst Christian denominations, though done differently amongst the same, signifies a public declaration of one’s decision to begin a new (Changed & Transformed) life in Christ. The term itself is rooted in the Greek Baptizo which means to cleanse by dipping or submerging an item. Once done the item is then placed in a different source to change it into something new. This can be down by bleaching a garment then dying it in a new color or with a vegetable. (  

So why are some people fearful of doing it? 

I’ve come across quite a few people who give their hearts to God openly in front of the church during service but would quickly shy away from the idea of getting baptized. 

Noting this trend I decided to ask a few converts why they “feared” Baptism. The consensus was simple; Baptism meant serious business.-That they had truly chosen a life with Christ and that there was no turning back. 

Though this was quite true, this signifies water Baptism. Many believe that surrendering to God isn’t as serious as getting baptized but it actually is.-Spiritual Baptism! 

We are told in order to receive the gift of salvation we must receive Jesus as our  savior and we are saved from the second death which is eternal fire in hell. Hence if you give your heart to God but return to you sinful life a few days later simply because you didn’t get baptized is very wrong. Perhaps even an oxymoron. 



Paul explains it to the Romans in this way; “ That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” –Romans 10:9-10


Another common scripture is John 3:1 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

So by making the declaration while praying the prayer of salvation you ARE taking the step to be in a relationship with God and accepting a life of change and transformation hence you WILL be held accountable. 


Therefore it makes not since to boldly give your heart to Christ, profess your belief in Him but avoid getting baptized thinking that it’s not that serious. This belief is equivalent to agreeing to be in a relationship with someone without marriage because you somehow believe it gives you leeway to ‘play the field’ while still getting all the benefits of a marriage. 

Whether it is fear of commitment, the lies that you will fail or the misconception of this walk with Christ, please know that once you declare it, believe in Him and receive Him it is already done. So going against that is crucifying Christ all over again. 


“and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.” -Hebrews 6:6


With that, I take this opportunity to congratulate the 18 newly baptized who took the bold step of faith on Saturday 19thSeptember 2020 after a 5 day fast at Miracle Ministries International. 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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