Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
[Author of Inspirational Book: Walking a Two-way Street]
Developing strong Christian marriages in every aspect!
I’m not sure why the “Sex Talk” is so taboo in most Christian churches, especially in the Caribbean but it is definitely a necessity for healthier Christian Marriages.
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Young Christian NewlyWeds |
Sex is a beautiful gift given to us by God but because of its purity and power, God only gave permission to MARRIED couples to engage in the act.
Let’s briefly look at sex from a biblical viewpoint. Aside from the most common book (The Songs of Solomon) sex is presented in quite a few areas in the Bible. For example, in Genesis 2:24 “a man shall leave his family and cleave to his wife and they shall become ONE flesh)
Proverbs 5:18-19 “rejoice in your wife…let her breasts fill you at all times…”
Hebrews 13:4 “let marriage be held in honour among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral."
1 Corinthians 7:5 “do not deprive one another…”
Interestingly at least three conclusions can be drawn here:
- Sex is for married couples
- Sex is GOOD
- Sex is given to and allowed for married couples to ENJOY
A preacher once gave the analogy that because God took a rib from Adam to make Eve and Adam calls her bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh and The Bible speaks of the two becoming one in marriage, that sex is symbolic of this initial unification that God did in the beginning when He took a part of one to make the other.
Thus in sexual intercourse, they reunite and become that initial one. Knowing this great importance of sex in a marriage it is with little wonder why the conversation about it should take place between partners who are on their way to being married.
Some of the MANY questions you must ask when you are courting as a Christian couple should be about sex and sexual preferences. Don't ever assume that you can make it work once you're married.
That way you and your partner can gain a better understanding of each other and what each person likes or dislikes. In doing so you can clear the air early and not be too concerned if your sex life will fall into place after marriage because he or she is 'ordained by God to be the perfect fit.'
God brings us together and blesses us with gifts but we must also put in the efforts to ensure that these 'gifts' which are all good, become the blessing they are ordained to be rather than a curse.
So if you are a Christian who is dating/courting and are on your way to becoming married, please ensure that you and your partner pray and discuss your sexual preferences and issues you both have whiles being opened and understanding about it.
This is healthy and will yield good fruits in your marriage!
Finally, this is a great step into being sure that you and the one whom you hope to spend the rest of your life with are EQUALLY YOKED [2 Corinthians 6] in marriage [Sharing the same set of beliefs and values-Essence.com] In so going you are one step closer to achieving a harmonious experience in your marriage.
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