Monday, 28 September 2020

Why do Church People Gossip?

written by Netisha Alie-Grant


 “So I heard from the grape vine that sister …..”

“Don’t tell anyone I told you but I heard/see brother…”



Have you heard the “scoop” from your fellow church member about another member? Have you ever been to a new church and you thought everyone was “HOLY” until you overheard a couple of sisters discussing another sister in a manner that isn’t fruitful? GOSSIP!


When I was a little girl I remember leaning over the church bench and watching the different shoes of everyone sitting in the pews around me. I am not sure if I did this out of boredom, to exercise my swing or to mind people’s business (lol) but I know now for sure this isn’t why we go to church.


There are so many people who would love to be opened at church, as they expect it to be a place for healing, understanding and compassion. However, there is a fear that is hovering over the genuine members of many churches today and it the a fear of confiding in someone who does not respect your circumstances enough to make it the weekly “scoop” at church rather than being empathic. It needs to stop! 


What is Gossip?

If you do a simple Google search for the meaning of the word you will find quite a few definitions which show commonality. However I will simply share two for the purpose of this article. 


1. “Conversations or reports about other people’s PRIVATE lives that might be unkind, disapproving, or not true…” –Cambridge Dictionary


2. “Exaggeration or fabrication of a story, regarding someone other than the tale bearer, in the ABSENCE of this person who is being discussed-for the malicious purpose of demeaning, slandering or tarnishing this person’s reputation.”-Urban Dictionary


So if we are going to church to learn more about God and to spend time in His presence, to lay our burdens at the alter and to grow spiritually, why are we hindering this growth with such a common sin?  

How can we shout “Halleluia” onto God, pray and ask Him to bless us yet as soon as the service is over we are congregating in small groups or on the phone “exaggerating & fabricating reports about our brothers and sisters life behind their backs…” instead of discussing further the word preached by the pastor or replaying the songs used in worship?


The bible speaks of the tongue in two critical ways. 1. “Life and Death lies in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruits…” proverbs 18:21 


2. All kinds of animals can be tamed…8 but no man can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. 9 with the tongue we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in God’s likeness…” James 3:7-9


Which will YOU use your tongue for today? To speak life and encouragement into a fellow brother or sister, or even perhaps if convicted, confronting them in love about a way they may be falling short of God's glory that you can help them with? OR Will we continue to let it be a “restless evil….?”



Biblical references of Gossiping is a sin? 

Here are at least 5 Scriptures out of a pool of others that speaks to the subject of gossiping and lying. I pray that they minister to us all so that the next time we congregate we will think twice before allowing GOSSIP to flow from our mouths. 


1. Ephesians 4:29

English Standard Version

29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.


2. Proverbs 16:28

English Standard Version

28 A dishonest man spreads strife,
    and a whisperer separates close friends.


3. Matthew 12:36

English Standard Version

36 I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak,


4. Psalm 101:5

English Standard Version

Whoever slanders his neighbor secretly
    I will destroy.
Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart
    I will not endure.


5. Titus 3:2

English Standard Version

to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people.



There are  six things that God HATES and sadly a gossiping and lying tongue is part of it. 


Proverbs 6:16-19

English Standard Version

16 There are six things that the Lord hates,
    seven that are an abomination to him:
17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue,
    and hands that shed innocent blood,
18 a heart that devises wicked plans,
    feet that make haste to run to evil,
19 a false witness who breathes out lies,
    and one who sows discord among brothers.


Gossiping is foolish, divisive & a time waster that definitely sews discord amongst the brethren. And we the church MUST get it right and begin to be intentionally impeccable with our words and learn to SPEAK LIFE! 

Song:Speak Life-Toby Mac


 Having information about someone who confided in you and sharing it with others who have no business of knowing because you may be venting, spreading a rumour or your opinion makes gossip a very easy sin to commit. Nevertheless it sure can be avoided. 


Firstly examine your conversation and make a decision. Am I going to spend time maliciously discussing someone else with no intensions of helping them become better or am I going to have conversations about critical life skills, Plans, and personal & spiritual development? 



Gossip(n.d) retrieved on 28thSept 2020 from

Gossip(n.d) retrieved on Sept 28th2020 from

100 Bible verses about gossip and lies(n.d) retrieved on 28thSept 2020 from

Monday, 21 September 2020

Why are some people afraid of Baptism?


The words of one of the most fearless figures of the Bible: John The Baptist. (see Matthew 3:2) 

John’s Ministry was transformation and preparation for the coming saviour Jesus Christ whom he would later baptize. 

So what is BAPTISM and why is it so significant to the Christian believer?

Miracle Ministries International Baptism
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Baptism: a common practice amongst Christian denominations, though done differently amongst the same, signifies a public declaration of one’s decision to begin a new (Changed & Transformed) life in Christ. The term itself is rooted in the Greek Baptizo which means to cleanse by dipping or submerging an item. Once done the item is then placed in a different source to change it into something new. This can be down by bleaching a garment then dying it in a new color or with a vegetable. (  

So why are some people fearful of doing it? 

I’ve come across quite a few people who give their hearts to God openly in front of the church during service but would quickly shy away from the idea of getting baptized. 

Noting this trend I decided to ask a few converts why they “feared” Baptism. The consensus was simple; Baptism meant serious business.-That they had truly chosen a life with Christ and that there was no turning back. 

Though this was quite true, this signifies water Baptism. Many believe that surrendering to God isn’t as serious as getting baptized but it actually is.-Spiritual Baptism! 

We are told in order to receive the gift of salvation we must receive Jesus as our  savior and we are saved from the second death which is eternal fire in hell. Hence if you give your heart to God but return to you sinful life a few days later simply because you didn’t get baptized is very wrong. Perhaps even an oxymoron. 



Paul explains it to the Romans in this way; “ That if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” –Romans 10:9-10


Another common scripture is John 3:1 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only son that whoever BELIEVES in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.”

So by making the declaration while praying the prayer of salvation you ARE taking the step to be in a relationship with God and accepting a life of change and transformation hence you WILL be held accountable. 


Therefore it makes not since to boldly give your heart to Christ, profess your belief in Him but avoid getting baptized thinking that it’s not that serious. This belief is equivalent to agreeing to be in a relationship with someone without marriage because you somehow believe it gives you leeway to ‘play the field’ while still getting all the benefits of a marriage. 

Whether it is fear of commitment, the lies that you will fail or the misconception of this walk with Christ, please know that once you declare it, believe in Him and receive Him it is already done. So going against that is crucifying Christ all over again. 


“and who have fallen away, to be brought back to repentance. To their loss they are crucifying the son of God all over again and subjecting Him to public disgrace.” -Hebrews 6:6


With that, I take this opportunity to congratulate the 18 newly baptized who took the bold step of faith on Saturday 19thSeptember 2020 after a 5 day fast at Miracle Ministries International. 

Saturday, 19 September 2020

How to maintain peace when everything around you is falling apart!

John 14: 27 “PEACE I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.” 

What is PEACE? “Freedom from disturbance; Tranquility” (Oxford Languages) 

Jesus made such a powerful statement on this “Freedom from disturbance...” and we quote it so many times today but have we truly experienced the divine insight of this text?

Peace in Trinidad (Photo by Netisha A)

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Jesus (the only perfect human to walk the face of the earth) is telling us that He is giving us HIS peace in place of what the world gives. There are two critical points to note here:

1. Jesus is giving us His peace.  

2. The peace that world gives us is obviously no match for HIS peace, which means the world's version peace can most likely be seasonal and deteriorate over time

Let’s look at these two points a bit further. Jesus walked the face of the earth and was faced with many adversaries, trials, unpleasant and pleasant circumstances, betrayal and deception. Yet He was able to fulfill His divine purpose in the earth and managed to remain sinless and so focused that He never took a detour. Metaphorically, Jesus’ peace can be explained as HIM sleeping soundly in a ship filled with panicking men about to get wrecked in a storm. -Unnatural! (See Matthew 8:24-25)

That is the type of peace He’s left us with. The type where you can face your storm and say to it; “I see you but if God allows you to approach me it is because He has a plan for my life so you could either ‘be still’ or do your thing, I remain unbothered! 

“Imma just sleep through this one like Jesus...”

Another example is just how well Jesus kept His composure when the soldiers came to arrest Him in the garden. Again the Apostles were moved with emotions but Jesus remained steadfast even when He knew the painful fate that was approaching. (See John 18:1-11)

Question: So if Jesus has given you His peace how will you respond the next time you are faced with anything that is designed to take it away?

2. Why would Jesus say “I do not give you as the world gives... let not your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid?” 

How many times do you hear of people taking drugs for peace of mind, going on a trip for peace of mind, listening to music or a motivational speeches for the purpose of attaining peace? Like the world, all of these are temporary that’s why one keeps returning to these worldly sources for peace. This is also why some people become addicted because they simply aren't satisfied nor have they received true peace. 

So the next time you desire inner peace perhaps you can reflect on this one scripture and the examples Jesus taught in representation of it and then seek the peace that the world cannot give. Shalom! 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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