Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
23rd Aug 2019
Whenever one hears the term “church” they are of the common perception that it denotes a place where a group of people (especially Christians) go because they are Holy, Pure and Perfect.-It is symbolic for a safe place one goes to be healed, loved, cared for and all things A Good Loving God gives.
However could these expectations be the root of the surprise many feel when they are actually offended or hurt by a member of such a “have it all together community” call CHURCH?
Those who hurt you in the church...
Let’s face it; humans are imperfect, emotional and complex organisms with a brain that was granted freewill by the Creator. R. Robert Creech Ph.D puts it this way; "Human beings are the most highly evolved inhabitants of earth's ecosystem..."
Which means there are unlimited possibilities in the outcome you are likely to receive from a relationship or association with another human.
God experienced it in the beginning when He “repented he made man and it grieved Him at His heart.” (Genesis 6:6) because man's actions did not meet God's expectations & their rebelliousness brought Him great displeasure.
Jesus did later when he was betrayed for loves sake after He walked with them, healing, loving and teaching them, they rejected and crucified Him.
Nevertheless, this piece is intended to present the harsh reality that people in the church (Christians) who jump and wave and shout hallelujah at every service, can and will hurt you. Hopefully by dismissing the expectations that they cannot, will help prepare the new believers.
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True Believers Mimic Christ & Strive to perfection in Him, while helping others do the same. Photo by N.Alie |
Being a church goer all my life, there is much I was able to see and observe even when I didn’t care to focus on it because I always saw church as a place I go to learn about God and to get my life right with Him.
I’d hear of women who were close to the priest, would steal the communion to perform witchcraft or the regular envy and gossip about each other. In the Catholic Church I’d say “at least they sin in the open...” when we’d jump in Carnival Monday and Tuesday but in church crying on Ash Wednesday.
Then I moved to the Pentecostal (a church I once made fun of and thought the people were hypocrites)
However later being in this Pentecostal assembly I felt conviction like never as before. All I wanted to do was be HOLY, PURE & PERFECT in God’s eyes. With this level of conviction I assumed all the people were Saints. Little did I know!
Church leaders can hurt you...
There have been multiple instances where people have claimed to or experienced hurt from a church leader. The priest molesting the little boys, the pastors with women or young girls, or simply rejecting a member who didn't seem worthy enough to be called a child of God. Most of these victims begin to resent the church and go off on a tyrant lambasting the church and everyone (good or bad) takes the fall. -Even God.
Church members hurt leaders...
A woman once told me how horrible the pastor of my now home church Miracle Ministry International is, and that he was so ‘fake’ that each time she thought of him she’d be lead to the scripture on false prophets. Their solution?- a plan to empty his church and leave him with the benches and no one to lean on: church members plot of destruction!
People criticize, and 'tear down' their own church leaders.-Female members dress seductively to church to tempt, bewitch and bring down pastors and elders, then the world has a field day critiquing their demise.
Church members hurt each other...
Then there are members within the church who target each other. Allow envy to creep in their hearts over a brother or sister. Gossiping about each other's faults rather than discussing solutions and praying for deliverance. Men can hurt women in the church by posing to be holy or misreading the signs from God to be in a relationship with them.
By now you're probably confirming in your thoughts; "this is why I do not go to church, church people dangerous, wicked, hypocrite...." and any other word your could think of that would emphasis the weaknesses of Christians.
However, though you are likely to get hurt in church, whether you're a leader or member, you too are likely to hurt someone in church by your actions. By raising awareness to this possibility, it is now upon US to examine ourselves and to make a decision what the true purpose for going to church is and study the bible to gain insight on what God truly wants us to do when we go there (church).
1. Learn about God, and also to study to “show yourself approved “(2 Timothy 2:15) for we cannot serve a God nor reflect His ways if we do not know or believe in Him.
2. Let us help each other, acknowledging that we ALL have weaknesses; for the word says (Hebrews 10:24-25) 24"let us consider how to spur one another on to love and good deeds. 25 let us not forsake not the assembly of the brethren... but encourage one another.
3. Endure persecution,God may allow them to hurt you as He allowed satan to hurt Job, but giving up on God because of persecution is not an option. "In the world you'll face persecution but fear not for I have overcome the world." John 16:33
4. Establish & maintain your relationship with God and He will direct your path, knowing His purpose for your life, He'll tell you when to stay or leave.
5. Go to them to and amend it, If you've been hurt by a church leader, brother or sister confront him/her, if they refuse, seek wise counsel and try again with another church leader, and if they yet refuse your efforts for amendment? #Shakethedustoffyourfeet #lethimbe Matthew18:15-17 The aim is to solve it not create bitterness and resentment.
Truth: Church is a place where sinners go to learn about God, grow in Him and help others. It may not be this yet because of the complexity of human beings and all the personalities that combine to create it, but just as you don't stop going to work because your coworker is a nuisance, or to parties because there are vagabonds, or even stop driving because of irresponsible drivers, so too you should keep going to church. Others may offend and hurt you; "...shake the dust off your feet."
“Church people” crucified Jesus but still he endured to the end so that our sins can be forgiven. So learn to forgive, we ALL need forgiveness at some point, learn to help another struggling brother or sister and make church the Godly Family it was created to be. Your Salvation (soul) depends on it!
R. Robert Creech Ph.D, What is a human being? https://www.exploregod.com/what-is-a-human-being, extracted on 20th Aug 2019.
To my First Lady at times I wonder if you reserve a seat in my head because this entire article breaths confirmation for me. It was just yesterday I was speaking on 80 percent of the things mentioned above and I just want to say THANK YOU. You couldn't have said it any better sis love you and God bless
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