Written by Netisha Alie
Sunrises and Sunsets are two of nature's most beautiful experiences, both take TIME and are completely worth every second in the end. "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."- Proverbs 14:29 NIV
Photo by Netisha Alie
Most people don't want to wait on the process to acquire things in life anymore... they do not want to go through the preparation and allow God to work in them or to give the seeds they planted time to die, water it, care for it and wait for it to grow into a tree that will eventually bear fruits. -Fruits that can be enjoyed. Instead, they are too busy being like little 'brats' who whine that they want it and 'want it now!'-not realizing that this exact mindset is a reason for their own demise. Your blessing could become a curse if you are not prepared to handle it or take on and manage the weight that comes with it. There's a reason why humans have stages of development and don't just go from baby to adult overnight.
"Easy come easy go," they say and as quickly as you compromised your integrity to gain those riches you will lose them just as quickly. What's the rush anyway? The world seems to be in a race to a finish line that doesn't exist. No one wants to wait on water to boil anymore, when there's a microwave, but at what cost?
A mango is probably one of the most common, most loved and tastiest fruits in many parts of the world. However, before we get mangoes, we must first plant a seed or seedling and sure it takes a while to grow, but with care and patience, it blossoms into a healthy tree that bears fruits sometimes two to three times a year. -Each crop coming fully loaded. Would we have enjoyed mangoes if no one planted and waited?
Life is much like a mango tree, somethings take a minute, some take an hour and some things, well some things (mango trees) need a little more time to get there. Most times, these are usually the best things in life. When you have labored and patiently watched your seed grow and develop, you grow and develop too. There is power in waiting and having patience.
So plant your seed, grab some snacks if you must, put in the work and watch it grow into something beautiful. The point is, to achieve great things in life, it takes time; a few road blocks and a 'couple' falls, which may leave scars, but if you endure it all and find ways to learn and enjoy the experience while you 'go through,' you'll reach the end with great victory. Do you really think God needed (7) seven days to create earth? He sure TOOK HIS TIME, because greatness and beauty just cannot be RUSHED.
Besides, you'll never know and cherish what you have unless you truly took the time to understand what it takes to acquire it.
Sunrises and Sunsets are two of nature's most beautiful experiences, both take TIME and are completely worth every second in the end. "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."- Proverbs 14:29 NIV
Photo by Netisha Alie
Most people don't want to wait on the process to acquire things in life anymore... they do not want to go through the preparation and allow God to work in them or to give the seeds they planted time to die, water it, care for it and wait for it to grow into a tree that will eventually bear fruits. -Fruits that can be enjoyed. Instead, they are too busy being like little 'brats' who whine that they want it and 'want it now!'-not realizing that this exact mindset is a reason for their own demise. Your blessing could become a curse if you are not prepared to handle it or take on and manage the weight that comes with it. There's a reason why humans have stages of development and don't just go from baby to adult overnight.
"Easy come easy go," they say and as quickly as you compromised your integrity to gain those riches you will lose them just as quickly. What's the rush anyway? The world seems to be in a race to a finish line that doesn't exist. No one wants to wait on water to boil anymore, when there's a microwave, but at what cost?
A mango is probably one of the most common, most loved and tastiest fruits in many parts of the world. However, before we get mangoes, we must first plant a seed or seedling and sure it takes a while to grow, but with care and patience, it blossoms into a healthy tree that bears fruits sometimes two to three times a year. -Each crop coming fully loaded. Would we have enjoyed mangoes if no one planted and waited?
Life is much like a mango tree, somethings take a minute, some take an hour and some things, well some things (mango trees) need a little more time to get there. Most times, these are usually the best things in life. When you have labored and patiently watched your seed grow and develop, you grow and develop too. There is power in waiting and having patience.
So plant your seed, grab some snacks if you must, put in the work and watch it grow into something beautiful. The point is, to achieve great things in life, it takes time; a few road blocks and a 'couple' falls, which may leave scars, but if you endure it all and find ways to learn and enjoy the experience while you 'go through,' you'll reach the end with great victory. Do you really think God needed (7) seven days to create earth? He sure TOOK HIS TIME, because greatness and beauty just cannot be RUSHED.
Besides, you'll never know and cherish what you have unless you truly took the time to understand what it takes to acquire it.