Friday, 21 January 2022

Why Are we so Distracted?

Written and orated by Netisha Alie-Grant

(Author of Inspirational book; Walking a Two-way Street)

Have you seen the movie “Don’t look up?” I heard someone mention it and checked it out! Seeing the trailer made me think it was a comedy but as I waited for the moment in the plot where the “prank” would be over, the movie ends with the world completely destroyed. Oh my goodness. While a movie, it Carries so much merit and accuracy to our current lifestyle. Honestly, Why are we so distracted? We are 'busy bodies' like Martha who instead of focusing on spending time with Jesus who was visiting her dwelling, was busy doing everything else. How many of us are busy like her today. Doing many things but accomplishing nothing? 

Listen to Podcast Here!

Basic and root meaning of the word Distraction: 

"A distraction is something that takes your attention away from what you’re supposed to be doing. … Distraction comes from the Latin dis-, “apart,” and trahere, “drag.” So distraction is when you’re dragged away from your task. []

Let’s have a look at some key agents of distraction in our lives today: 

-Multiple tasking 

According to an article titled “Why multitasking doesn’t work” published by Cleveland clinic-

We are designed to be “monotaskers.”-Do one task at a time. 

 in the article studies show that only few people can successfully multitask and we can only think of one thing at a time. If God designed us to think on one thing at a time then we must function in that manner for ultimate success. That’s why we can’t be happy and stress at the same time and so we must choose between the two. I love it!

-Attention seekers ( Biggest of them all; social media platforms) How many things are we switching our brains to think about with just 1 minute of scrolling social media? Plus the numerous notifications they constantly send us for a potion of our attention.

-Lacking the discipline of saying “no!”

Your inability to say "no" to those thoughts the enemy sends to distract you while you pray or try to do something else. 

Saying "no" to the people who come to take you off your scheduled course within reason. 

What is the price we are paying for allowing distraction in our lives? 

-Anxiety is actually linked to multitasking and dividing our brain’s attention- we become antsy and if we can’t feed our constant need to be all over the place we can’t seem to BE STILL! Thus anxiousness breeds within. 

- Decreased Efficiency or Getting a lot less done

We are wired to be monotaskers…our brains can only focus on one task at a time, says neuropsychologist Cynthia Kubu, PhD. Trying to do a million things at once only distracts us from getting any of them done effectively! 

- Lose or delay progress and your gain; just like Eve, Samson & David (Bible characters who got distracted) you lose yourself and by extension all that you were created to receive! One of satan's key tool is to distract, so keep a watchful eye out and pray for a spirit of discernment identify these distractions for what they are. 

John 10:10 the thief comes to kill steal and destroy but I came so that they could have life and have it abundantly! 

So don’t be like Peter who got distracted while walking on the water because he lost sight of Jesus-His focus- but instead be the version of Peter that fixed his eyes on Jesus and did the impossible of walking on water.-Stay focused! 

Here is a verse to give you practical steps to guide you into managing distraction in your life. there is always breathing, taking a break to recharge and saying "no" but the will help renew your mindset and position you in the right place to do the above. 

Proverbs 4:25-27 


Let your eyes(A) look straight ahead;
    fix your gaze directly before you.


Give careful thought to the[a] paths for your feet(B)
    and be steadfast in all your ways.


Do not turn to the right or the left;(C)
    keep your foot from evil.

Tuesday, 18 January 2022

How do I know if I have found the one?

Written & orated by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

Answer these questions: Who IS the the one? Did you set up a criteria to measure “the one?" Is

it dependent on what measuring stick you’re using 

Is your idea of the one based on that romance book or romantic comedy you watched? 

Listen to Podcast here!

Is it based on where YOU want to go in life that you’re looking for someone to fit a profile along your life's vision? 

Who truly is the ONE? 

In a previous Podcast episode titled Would I date I me I asked critical questions about the individual that you should check out if you haven’t yet before you continue reading.

Why? Before you can know who is “qualified" to be your 'person' and share life with you, you need to understand yourself first. 

Once you do then you will have a better understanding about who can share a space with you. Another podcast episode I covered that is critical in explaining this is Can I do Life with you? Check it out also.

Once you have established who you are, you can now determine who can do life with you. In that episode I speak about compatibility versus chemistry and why God made Eve for Adam and the qualities He gave her so that she Could be THE OnE for Adam.

Once you have an understanding of who you are and the vision you have for your life you are likely to know and identify who your ONE is. 

Then there’s confirmation from God, always seek your creator who knows ALL things before making such life decisions. Ask Him for the signs. 

Pay attention to the person, date them, 'study' them and don’t be afraid to wipe off some dust off the package they come in because even THE One is a work in progress. That’s where compatibility comes in, where he is weak you are strong so that means you have what it takes to dust him off and help him grow as you grow and vice versa. 

The scripture Proverbs 27:17, “iron sharpens iron,” is almost universally seen as positive: wise people should be questioning, encouraging, coaching, and challenging each other.

Lastly, you can be yourself and be comfortable around that person. 

So how do you know who is the one? Have a relationship with God so that you can understand who He created you to be. 

Get a good understanding of yourself. 

Pray and ask Him to send the one and have knowledge and vision of who is suitable for you like God created EVe to be suitable for Adam. He knows you the best so He obviously knows who suits you and lastly when you find such person you will be comfortable with being you around them and you can make them feel that comfort as well. 

Please note that sometimes there maybe some tests and challenges in the beginning and along the way so be prepared to 'wipe some dust off' that person for where they are weak you will be strong and vice versa and so 'iron will sharpen iron' as you take on life together as a team! 

C’est bon? Sounds good! 

Tuesday, 11 January 2022

How to Deal with “BAD” news?

 Written Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

Listen to Podcast here!

True story: Let’s compare two critical points in my life.

One: I once felt ill at work and went to the doctor right away. He ran an anemia test and gave me some meds but I had to wait a few days to get the results. 

So results day came and guess what? I was also at work, teaching 8 year olds. When I took the call and the nurse identified herself as calling on behalf of my doctor to let me know that my results were ready, I quickly told her ok ok I’ll come… dismissing her from telling me over the phone. Relax she said, the results are negative! Phew! 

I instantly thought I was about to get bad news and me getting it in front of a bunch of 8 year olds wasn’t going to be good because I really didn’t know how I was going to take it. 

Two: A few years later, I established a relationship with God then found out that a cousin I loved so much had cancer. As much as We prayed to God to heal her, one day He made it clear to me that he was going to take her and it was going to be ok. And this time I had a peace knowing that she died in Christ and was now resting and no longer in pain. 

Can you tell the difference? Not only had I grown but I had also begun learning how to deal with “bad news.“ 

Message: Because I am an empath, bad news can really be difficult to receive but I have learned to find comfort in one such scripture and it reads;

Psalms 112:7

He will not fear bad news;
His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.

So how do you handle bad news? 

1.Face it & acknowledge it: pretending like it’s not there, shutting it out an avoiding it doesn’t make it go away. I cannot stress that enough. You cannot heal from or overcome anything you refuse to confront. How long will you run? 

2.Connect with your supply: Where do you draw LIFE from? Who or what feeds you, charges like a battery or fuels you like a car? And I’m not talking about your food. That’s good too but your soul/core is not fed by a balanced diet. For me it’s God, He is the greatest, most perfect, & unending source to be connected to. That’s why it’s so important to have a relationship with Him. 


3.Deal with it (The “bad news”) through your trust and confident reliance on God. -Psalms 112 

we eat so that we can get strength and energy to work and to simply live! Right?! So once you have connected to your supply you now have all the energy (equipment/tools) you need to take on the “bad news!” When uncomfortable situations are dealt with they are not allowed to live passed their time in the present. 

It doesn’t hang over your shoulder as you go through life or come back to hunt you in your future. 

Sounds too easy? Who said it can’t be? Jesus asked in Matthew 6:27 

27 And who of you by worrying can add one [a]hour to [the length of] his life?(A)

Whether or not it is easy or difficult, what is important is that it’s POSSIBLE! And that’s all you need to know! Once you want it bad enough, like Les Brown calls it: When you’re hungry enough, you will do it! 

So please memorize one of my favorite verses and repeat it to yourself daily, and whenever “bad news” comes your way, along with all its trauma and emotional baggage, remember “the righteous man….” 

Psalms 112:7

He will not fear bad news;
His heart is steadfast, trusting [confidently relying on and believing] in the Lord.


Wednesday, 5 January 2022

5 Life Tips for Success in 2022

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-way Street) 

Welcome to Episode 21 to say gratitude 👋 ✌🏽 to 2021 & welcome to 2022! 

Listen to Podcast here

I don’t know about you but I’m feeling 22! Lol! Giving God all the glory for this work in 2021! 

The way you leave one season is really important to how you enter the new one: don’t put new wine into old wine skin.

“Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins…” (Matthew 9:17 NIV).

 “what you leave in 2021 & what you take with you into 2022 really decides what your year is going to look like”@Real Talk Kim! 

So as You’re about to take on the new year here are my 5 life Tips for success in 2022 & beyond: 

ONE: Relationships: You must first have a relationship with God, if you don’t already have one, start now, if you do then stay connected! Matthew 6:33 33 But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteousness [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also.

A relationship with God will allow evidence of His kingdom to be added to your life in the earth! Which gives you great power to live this life abundantly as He intends for us. 

Additionally, we are not alone in this world and we must have some sort of encounter with people from family to those in public. Decide how you will do it. For example; Be compassionate & tolerant first, Forgive quickly, share a smile, help where you can, move away when you should if you’re not improving the person’s quality of life or vice versa, be grateful & appreciate those who are there for you and bless & love those who oppose/ fight you! All scriptural! 

TWO: Prepare: As mentioned previously in my podcast; Consider the cost of everything, plan if you can, even for emergencies & possible Senarios before they occur. The wise virgins were not caught off guard because they were prepared (Matthew 25) John prepared the way for Jesus’ arrival… so many events were successful because we planned and prepared for them. Your preparations may not always be perfect, as things can go wrong, but they help cushion the blow if you at least expect the possibilities! 

We as believers are constantly preparing for when Jesus comes back for us; so that’s why Christianity is a daily lifestyle and not a seasonal act! 

THREE: Learn: Look for the lesson in everyday and everything and learn them to make yourself improve always, do professional development trainings, courses, read books of value, learn a skill from YouTube videos if you may. What’s most important is that you KEEP ON LEARNING! 

Live out proverbs 4:7 which says “
“The beginning of wisdom is: Get [skillful and godly] wisdom [it is preeminent]!
And with all your acquiring, get understanding [actively seek spiritual discernment, mature comprehension, and logical interpretation].(

FOUR: Stability: proverbs 11 states a false balance in an abomination…” 11 A false balance and dishonest business practices are extremely offensive to the Lord, But an accurate scale is His delight.”

Create structure and order in your life and balance all key areas so you’re not burned out or abandoning key areas of life such as family, finances, fun and leisure, career…at the expense of others.

FIVE: Lastly, Do everything you want to do to Avoid regret and envy, Just do it! This is my prayer; you may hesitate and waste time but later realize you have missed the opportunities and then you may look at someone who did the opposite (they Cape Diem-Ed)-my version- and seize the moments of life! 

Psalms 90:11 states “So teach us to number our days, that we may get us a heart of wisdom.”

Which simply means to use wisely all the time we have! So go forth now and have a great year applying these tips! 

C’est bon? Sounds good!  

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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