Sunday, 28 November 2021

Real Love has no Reason

 Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

Listen to Podcast now! 

So you’d like to be in a romantic relationship huh? Hmmm I’m back with some questions for you. What is your motive for desiring this romantic relationship? 

 Loneliness? Joining the marriage age crowd, where society tells us that we must be in a romantic relationship by a certain age? Is it because that’s what everyone else is doing? For status? Income? Looks? Why? 

Ask and examine yourself deeply. Once you have figured out your motive the next question is Will you still love if that reason changed? What if I told you that you shouldn’t have a reason or reasons for being in love with someone? 

 Here is why you shouldn’t; What happens when that reason is no longer happening or relevant? What happens if your once rich partner goes bankrupt or your once sexy body become disabled? 

The great Dr Miles Monroe puts it this way: “rejection cannot devalue you if you know who you are.” I mentioned this is my last podcast about loving yourself so well that even when your partner may say or do hurtful things to you it won’t phase you because of your knowledge of your worth! This means that once you love you, without reason your love won’t change based on the conditions around you. This should be the same for your relationship with the one you intend to marry. 

 He (Dr. Miles Monroe) also mentioned that God has no reason for loving us. He doesn’t love us because we behave good, or whenever we pray or if we give to charity. He simply loves us so He sacrificed His only son for us. So why do we love because, whenever or if our partner acts in accordance with our expectations of them?  

God, our greatest example of love, never gave us a reason for loving us. So why do we have reasons for the ones we hope to love? Love for a reason creates a condition and that becomes the basis of your relationship. As a result you now have “conditional love” which means there is an expectation and once the condition changes, and it can because life is true to change, the relationship suffers. We hold on to what the person used to do and what we expect them to do so deeply that we become angry and frustrated when they do not deliver.  When we love with expectations, some that our partner aren’t even aware of, we create room for disappointment. 

Can we see the chain reaction here? Let us make it our intent to love like God loves. Jesus didn’t stop loving and taking care of the people even when He knew that they would betray Him. God doesn’t stop loving us because we fail Him. In the same way, when you consider a romantic relationship from a place a singleness, be sure to love you unconditionally as you prepare to do the same for whomever God lines you up  with. And if you’re already committed to someone, it is not too late to get to that place. 


Sunday, 21 November 2021

Would you date you?

 Written by Netisha Alie Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

Listen to Podcast here    

Designed by Berit Bow 

Are you single and considering getting into a romantic relationship? 

Are you already committed but may have some issues understanding yourself? Then read on or click the link above to listen to this life lesson. 

Before you get into a romantic relationship there are a couple of questions you should ask yourself: 

  1. Do I know who I am? 
  2. And do you love myself?                                 Before you can happily and effectively share a life with someone else in marriage, you need to have answers to these questions. 
In Mark chapter 13 verses 30 and 31, Jesus gives us the greatest commandments of all. ‘Love God completely with all your mind, body, and soul and love others as you love yourself.’ 

Understanding the order of this commandment is a guide to our very life. We must first love God and do so by establishing a relationship with Him. Why? God IS love! The very essence of love in its purest form is who and what God is. In knowing Him, we can come to know and understand ourselves better and develop a love for ourselves in the process. 

After this has taken place, you are now in a better position to love someone else, “as you love yourself.” 

The best way to grow in love and understanding with yourself is to spend quality time with you. Do some soul searching and date yourself. Find out by examining your reactions to different situations and in different environments and explore what brings you happiness & peace. What triggers you to anger? What helps you to cope? Dig real deep within. 

Another area to observe is your core belief system. What are your aims and what is your vision for your life? For example, if you want a Godly relationship you may want to stare clear of someone whose sole belief system is science, who believes in facts and not faith. 

Lastly, know your worth! When you have established who you are and what you want in life, through God, you develop a level of confidence that is admirable.

In this case you will not invest your time and energy engaging with “love” interests who do not line up with your life. You won’t entertain conversations that you know won’t lead towards the life you desire. Nor will you be a “person pleaser” who can lose yourself by compromising so much to please your partner and ‘keep a relationship.’

Life then becomes easier in this regard simply because you know and love God, He taught you to know and love yourself and you in turn know who you are capable of loving and sharing a life with! 

Tuesday, 9 November 2021

Trusting People???

Written  by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking Two-Way Street) 

Listen to podcast now! 

The level of security you are seeking in man can only be found in God. 

 Lately I have been hearing and observing a lot of people complaining about trusting no one and expressing their disappointment from trusting others. 

 It reminded me of a life lesson I simply had to share: Only God can be trusted! 

After a few years in the “dating arena” I stopped and did some soul searching. I realized that I had to make a decision for my heart’s sake. So I told God; “I’m giving You my heart because I know that You (God) will take great care of it. However, if You wish to give it to a man then that’s on You, but I don’t think anyone can love me like you do.” 

What did I learn then and there? Only God can be trusted! The truth is people, especially the ones you love, are going to disappoint and hurt you and you have to make a decision on whether you want to tolerate the hurt and love them anyway or sever ties with them.  

We hurt our parents over and over but they never stopped loving us. In the same way we reject and hurt God too but He continues to love and forgive us when we go to Him. So we can decide if we are capable of being compassionate to someone in the same way. Joyce Meyers explains that God does not love our actions that are contrary to His love for us but He still loves us as His children. 

To ease heartbreak and face the hurt from others from a more mature perspective we must know that they (the ones we love) will hurt us whether it’s intentional or not and since we put our love and trust in God instead of man,  we’ll be ok.  You may still feel the emotions of pain they cause but you’ll be much better at understanding and handling it! 

Micah one of the prophet’s of Judah said it in chapter 7 verses 5 to 6. (Micah 7:5-6) Check it out! 

C’est bon? Sounds Good! 

Thursday, 4 November 2021

She gave her life to God by choice, not by Force!

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

Listen to Podcast Now! 

Debbie at COVER Fashion Show flashing a collaborative Tee between COVER & I’m Beautifully Created New York 

Many of us surrender our lives to God and start a lifetime relationship with Him as a direct result of a traumatic experience in our lives. Though a relationship with the creator is the best one any human can have, I honestly believe God would prefer if we just tried to understand His agape love for us and choose Him as a result. 

In the book of 1 John 4:18 we learn that God’s perfect love for us drives out all fear and that we can love because He (love in its purest most potent form) first loved us. 

I am happy to have come to know one such individual who is a testimony of this! She didn’t need trauma to surrender to God. She simply learned about God’s intentions for her and embraced Him.

Meet Debbie Henry:  

What was life like before you surrendered to God? 

“As a babe in Christ for the past two (2) and a half years, for most of my life, I had considered myself an Anglican. -Until I truly understood the purpose of the church, which is to teach how to find and maintain a personal relationship with our creator.”

Why did you surrender to God? 

“Through no circumstance of mine but that of a friend and sister I was introduced to a leader who made this (teaching) his daily quest. Being taught and influenced by a new spiritual teacher, I was made to understand that I have life so that I could seek a closer relationship with my Heavenly Father by offering praise and worship daily, not once a week on Sunday.”

How has the journey been since then? 

“As I continued to attend church and apply the teachings, I wanted more and more to live in eternity with my Father. So, I began being transformed into a new creature  that knows her purpose. To live in Christ so I may die in Him and no longer just live to die!”

Debbie has been a very instrumental member of her ministry since her walk we God took a new turn. She does her service in ministry with a spirit of excellence and has touched many lives with her pleasant, genuine and charitable heart. Though what she does she prefers to keep between her and God, she is currently wholeheartedly managing one of the most critical ministries at her church! 

We thank God for such an amazing soul and pray that her testimony can inspire others to know that you do not have to wait until you have no hope to give your life to God, but you can receive His love at any time  and truly “live 

to die in God,” so you can enjoy eternal life with Him after! 


The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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