Monday, 27 September 2021

14 year old makes a bargain with God and later realizes it was the best decision of her life.

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

[Author of Inspirational book: Walking a Two-way Street]

Do you know what makes believers different from the rest of the people in the world? They make a personal choice and vow to dedicate their lives to having a relationship with their creator: God Almighty.

Though there are people who do this freely without needing a "push," it is not so for everyone who commits their life to a relationship with their maker.

Most people give their hearts to God in the midst of a crisis, in those moments when they come to the realization that whatever they are facing is beyond themselves and need a saviour's divine supernatural intervention. 

One such person, like many of us, went as far as making a "bargain" with God. 


Trinity:  "I gave my heart to God when I was 14..." 

The short version of my story on how I gave my life to God begins with my grandfather becoming unexpectedly ill and he was on what the doctors described as "the brink of death." It was then that I told God; "if He saves my grandfather’s life I will give Him my life in return." And He did.

I had always desired to have a strong relationship with God but I didn’t know where to start until my grandfather's ailment. Many of my peers were surely doing the opposite but I realized that people always wait till they’re old and grey to give their life to Jesus. However, tomorrow is never promised so why should I wait? 

As young people, we desire to feel free and we want to “live our best life.” However, I  have learned that All the fleshly things you do when you are young or old will never be able to fill the void of not having a true relationship with Jesus Christ.

Living in the flesh, which is a life where you are only feeding the fleshly part of your body while starving your spirit which is who you really are, is destructive to your spirit. God breathes life into you and that 'life' leaves your body in death. But the peace and love you get from a relationship with God is eternal and lives on long after your flesh returns to the earth. 

The Bible states, “For what does is it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?” Matthew 16:26. So for example your flesh would be enjoying partying at secular places, fornication, having idols (people in your life or things like work), and other guilty pleasures of life.  These all feel good but are very temporary gratifications. 

Knowing this I gave my life to God because I recognized that I didn’t only want Him, but I need Him. If I’m not doing the will of God I feel empty and I have no purpose without Him. So I decided to live my best life, but with and In Jesus also.

I must admit It has been a very challenging journey, I have fallen short of God’s glory many times, I’ve put my emotions, desires, people, and things above Him at times. I have many struggles but I have faith that God would continue to mold me into the young woman of God He intends for me to be. I also want to be sure that when my flesh returns to the earth, my spirit will spend eternity with my creator. 

I am able to remain on His path thus far because of the constant reminder and conviction of the Holy Spirit. I made a promise to give my life and not turn back and I want/need to be obedient to Him. Also, having godly friends/family members who can hold you accountable is very encouraging as well. It’s always good to have godly influences and people who can help pull you up when you’ve drifted away from God. 

My grandfather is doing ok and I am living my best life with God.

Lastly, how does one maintain that personal relationship with God? It takes work like any good thing and relationship:  "In spite of what you’re feeling or going through, remain committed and obedient to God, rise above that feeling/situation and build your Spirit man through prayer (constant communication with God), fasting, READING THE WORD OF GOD (apply it to your life not just read ), worship/praise, and let His will be done in your life. 

Keep pressing! As the song goes, “it’s not easy but it’s worth it”. Surround yourself with godly counsel and ensure your heart is always in a posture of worship to God. Ask God DAILY for a heart of repentance. Your flesh must be denied and controlled daily, “let yourself decrease so He can increase “- John 3:30. Be blessed!

Friday, 24 September 2021

Can I be a stylish Christian? Ask Onika Octave

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

While some may argue that the way a woman adorns herself as a Christian could be in reference to Jezebel, I’ve noticed that different cultures dress differently but one thing remains; their hearts are focused on Jesus, which is what’s most important.                                   

I can never forget one very valuable lesson I learned from a priest one Sunday. I don’t even remember the title of his message nor the scripture but I do remember one thing he said. 

“Christians dress so fancy when they are going out but put on any ole thing to come to church.”

That struck a nerve because I was one of them. I was coming to church to be on a 'date' with The Lord and I didn’t put much thought into my attire. He didn’t get my very best. 

One may think that God doesn’t care about that, perhaps if it were all you had. But when you consciously dress your best to go anywhere else but church it speaks to how you view your time in the presence of the Lord. 

The apostles complained that Mary was wasting perfectly expensive oil to wash Jesus’ feet instead of using it for other things. [John 12: 3] So are they indicating that just regular soap and water would do for Jesus? 

One such young lady has demonstrated that while in the world she had to look great but now that she is on fire for Jesus she has to look her absolute BEST! 

Meet Onika Octave: 

Onika at COVER Fashion show {best dressed}

QuestionsWere you always stylish? Who inspired you? How did it start?

To be honest I really never knew what I was good at until I got saved. Growing up people would ask me “what am I good at?” and I’d say; “dressing up and looking cute.”

As a little girl, all I wanted to do was dress up. I use to imagine styles and sketches of clothes in my head then ask my friends to draw for me because I could not draw. Then I would get my group of friends and we would do similar outfits with mixed colours. People would ask what is our group’s name, and we would say Wizzy Wow! I use to watch BET a lot because we loved the group Destiny’s Child. 

They use to dress very similarly for their award ceremonies and my friends and I would do the same for parties. It was so “serious” that I would get up at midnight just to try an outfit. 

My dad use to entertain and encourage me so he would give me the money to buy my fabric and would ask what’s my next outfit. I think I would put my all into it because I thought that’s all I was good at besides liking to sing. My siblings would laugh at me and say “You think you could sing…” So I would turn back to clothes and dressing up. It was my safe place

Onika is now a born-again believer and is on the worship team at her church. And not only is she continually growing as a worshipper but she is doing it in grand style too. She is now poised to be one of the top stylists in the world and is admired by many for her consistent sense of style! 

Our pastor always says “don’t despise small beginnings…” and so we hope her story can encourage you to stay true to yourself and your dreams even when others may laugh at you. Then submit your life to a full-time relationship with God and watch Him raise you up in your gifts. 


Friday, 17 September 2021

Christian musicians: Behind the musical fingers of Elroy Francis


Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

“As bad as things got, I refused every Carnival event yearly. The financial temptation was great but I maintained my decision.”

We all know of the MANY musicians who begin in the church but later leave for “greener pastures” in the World. However, there is one musician who has chosen quite the opposite. 

Elroy is a born-again Christian whose musical skills take him out into the world on occasions but his firm foundation keeps him rooted in Christ. 

In 1 Corinthians 10:13, Paul explains how God is faithful not to give us more than we can bear but gives us a way to escape our temptation… it reads “13 No temptation[a] has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful;(A) he will not let you be tempted[b] beyond what you can bear. (B) But when you are tempted,[c] he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

So who is Elroy, how is he able to escape temptation when he launches into the deep and what can we learn from him? 

The journey to choosing Christianity: 

I grew up in a Christian family with both parents and two siblings. Father is a musician and musical director and mom sings. The family was very involved in church activities.

I accepted Christ as an early teen and never went back on my decision to follow Him. Of course, the road has been rocky. Challenges and temptations were many. However, I have yet to meet a circumstance too big for my God.

Musical career: 

My father taught me musical rudiments from a tender age but it wasn’t until 12 I felt a desire for the instrument (Keyboard), practicing in my bedroom for days at a time.

I began ministering on keys at 17 with a heavy Black-American musical flavor. This was considered jazzy and modern and was different from most players at that time.

Without my knowledge word spread about my playing ability. When meeting musicians for the first time, whom I greatly respected and aspired towards locally, they would greet me with a high level of respect, as though they have been waiting to meet me for a long time, they saw me as a great musician. 

At my church, this was different though. I was ridiculed, criticized, and discouraged many times, but my desire to play was very strong. Each criticism only served as motivation to go further.

Eventually, I was approached to play for weddings, services, and events, including competitions and other churches. Many of these events would compensate me financially and I began looking forward to these functions. This would open up an avenue where I saw the need to purchase my own instrument.

God made a way for me to acquire the instrument I was desirous for.

Having my own keyboard gave me freedom from borrowing and the ability to practice more freely. This is where my musical career really starting cooking. 

What is it like playing both in and out of church? 

In my early 20s, some musical comrades approached me about using my talent to work on a regular basis outside of the church. Being a young adult, the sound of making money while doing something I loved made lots of sense. Knowing only gospel music, however, was a tremendous challenge.

In our little unit (band) we were all young church musicians playing mostly oldies, love songs, and the occasional church song when we just couldn't figure out what else to play. Yes, church music In a secular environment. This did not feel strange to us though, because there wasn't a singer.

But of course, the band sounded good, and it was a matter of time before a singer approached the band with a proposal. Offered on the table, was more weekly jobs and higher more regular compensation. The sacrifice was the type of material we were being asked to play. Negotiations took place and the middle was achieved regarding venues and songs, and a business relationship begin. This is when things changed from just a fun money-making venture to an obligated contractual work. 

Not every gig was successful but as bad as things got, I refused every Carnival event yearly. The financial temptation was great but I maintained my decision. Personally, I just don't believe certain jobs are for me so I would turn down requests and offers.

Does being in 'two worlds' have an effect on you? 

To me, ministering in the church is what I was called for. Playing music outside of the church is a job for financial compensation. As far as music goes, secular music just does not penetrate my spirit nor speak to me like gospel music does, especially the message in the music. 

Moreover, I tend to be more focused on the instrumentation of music instead of the lyrics which probably plays a key role in my ability to withstand certain environments without being phased.

I've had church members approach me having seen me playing in a secular environment saying, they could swear I was two different people, because the heart I put into playing in the church during services, is totally absent on a gig.

Words to share with the readers or other young Christians; 

I think as Christians we need to know where our strengths are. If you cannot swim, diving into the deep side of a pool may not be a great idea. We may not always be able to control our environment but that's what God is for. In our weakness, He is made strong and you'd be surprised at how a quick silent prayer can change your current situation.

I've had to make some tough calls and turn down jobs when I could really use the funds but God is no man's debtor and I know if He has brought me this far He will see me through. -Sign Maestro [E. Francis]

You may ask; “Can I play music in the world if I am a child of God?”

Where your heart is there your treasure lies also (Matthew 6:21) and that is your answer. 

Monday, 13 September 2021

12-year-old boy gives his heart to God!

 Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

He asked the pastor to baptize him unknowingly to his mom…

12-year-old Rajon speaks with Pastor Grant about his decision to get baptized minutes before it occurs.

While many of us are still distracted by the media and negative news, God is still moving across the nations and touching lives. 

12-year-old Rajon appears to be the typical child in school. However many do not know that he has a calling on his life and God has already spoken the word over him. Rajon is a student at the Seventh Day Adventist School in Antigua and has always been a good student of the Bible. This is because he had a passion for God from a very young age; his mom Schandelle mentioned as she observes her son. 

Earlier in 2021, the school had a week of Prayer, and baptism was held. Rajon decided at that moment that he would get baptized but never got a chance to. The issue was then put on a halt until…

“One day I got home from work and he sat me down and asked me some very serious questions.” His mom explained. 

One such question he asked in a very pensive mood was: “Where would I go if God should come now?” 

He then gave a final comment to end the critical conversation with his mom: “Next chance I get I’m going to give my life to God!”

Months passed and there was no sign from Rajon about his decision. Until Sunday the 5th of September 2021 he indicated to his mom that he would like to see the pastor after church. 

“I had no clue what he wanted to tell the pastor until we got home.” His mom explained. 

Rajon informed her that he had told the pastor he had many opportunities to be baptized but didn’t so he is now ready to do it. 

His mom, being aware that he is young, was speechless and decided to check with him during the days leading up to his baptism date, in case he had any second thoughts but Rajon showed none. 

On Saturday the 11th of September 2021, Rajon took the bravest, most bold, and best step in His life. To be fully dedicated to God at the age of 12. 

-The age Jesus left his parents and stayed in the synagogue with the teachers, -the number of governmental authority! 

He even requested the song Something has to break by Kierra Sheard & Tasha Cobbs Leonard 


Rajon has decided to put his complete trust in God and hopes to be an inspiration to other children like him. He is destined to do great things and now has the answer to his very pressing question: Where will I go if God comes now? Do you know? 

Young & Christian would like to congratulate Rajon for making the best decision of his life and pray that God will set him on the Narrow path of no return in Jesus' name! 

Friday, 3 September 2021

Spiritual Self Evaluation

 Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 

(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

The king of Pop (MJ) so eloquently presented one of the most life-changing messages in his song Man in the Mirror. That if we wanted to truly make the change we believe the world needs  in all its pain and hurt we had to start with ourselves. 

Too often we are quick to magnify the faults in others but fail to see ours. In the book of Matthew chapter 7:3-5 Jesus calls anyone who chooses to see the faults in others and tries to remove it without first removing their own a HYPOCRITE! 

So here’s a checklist to help you identify and remove the speck in your eyes and to note just where you are on your spiritual journey in God. 

Simply put, a checklist is a method used to assess ones work to know if they have covered everything that was required of them. 

Time to self evaluate! 

Here are ten questions you can ask yourself to note how you are doing as a believer! 

1. Do I present myself a living sacrifice, holy acceptable to God? ~Romans 12:1 (opening my heart to be used by God however He chooses? 

Do I walk uprightly/blamelessly, work righteously and speak the truth in my heart? ~Psalms 15:2

2. Do I avoid backbiting with my tongue, doing evil to my Neighbour, or taking up reproach against my friends? ~Psalms 15:3

Do I bless and not curse those who persecute me? ~Romans 12:14, 17 & 20

3. Do I despise a vile (morally bad or wicked) person but honour those who fear (respect & honour) the Lord? ~Psalms 15:4 

Do I love sincerely, hate what is evil, cling to what is good? ~Romans 12:9 & 21 

4. Do I keep an oath (marriage, giving my heart to God, signing a contract…) that I made even when it hurts, and do not change my mind? ~Psalms 15:4 

5. Do I lend money to the poor without interest, freely scatter my gifts to the poor, & reject bribes against the innocent? ~Psalms 15:5, 112:5 & 9 and Romans 12:13 

6. Am I gracious and FULL of compassion like Christ is to me? ~Psalms 112:4 and Romans 12:10 

7. Am I easily shaken and moved by things around me? ~Psalms 112:5 and 15:5 

Am I unaffected by bad news because I trust completely in the Lord? ~Psalms 112:7 and Romans 12:11 & 12

8. Do I conform to or am I influenced by the things of the flesh and world or do I spend time in the things of the spirit of God to renew my mind? ~Romans 12:2 

 (see Galatians 5:16-26 for examples of the flesh/world versus the spirit)  

9. Do I rejoice with those who rejoice? Am I happy for others and celebrate their successes and joys with them? Do I mourn with those who mourn? Am I empathetic and caring when others hurt, even those I do not know? ~Psalms 112:15 

Note: being happy for others increases the number of times you get to be happy! 


10. Am I living in Harmony with others? ~Romans 12:16 & 18

Do I take revenge or leave room for God’s wrath since He said; “vengeance is mine and I will repay? 

There are many other self check points in the Bible that can help us stay on the narrow path and examine ourselves as believers but these are a good place to start. (Psalms 15, 112 & Romans 12) 

Inspired by God, a message preached to the congregation at Miracle Ministry International Church on Sunday August 29th 2021 by Lady Alie-Grant 


The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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