To God be the glory always for all the things He has done and continues to do! This year I learned how to rejoice in the moment and to receive the true peace of God that no matter what is happening around me, God still sits on the throne!
'Create Impact or Let Someone Else do The Job!'- My philosophy I live by. Hi, the name's Netisha Alie and I am a Young Christian! My world began to make sense when I surrendered my life to God. Now I'm on a journey of conversion into the spiritual world and would love to share it with you. Dare to join me?
Friday, 27 November 2020
Photo Blog: Celebrating My Spiritual Birthday 2020!
To God be the glory always for all the things He has done and continues to do! This year I learned how to rejoice in the moment and to receive the true peace of God that no matter what is happening around me, God still sits on the throne!
True Story: God Paid My Loan in Full!
I have watched TBN quite a few times and I must say it was one of the only places I have ever seen people claiming that God had paid or canceled their debt.
Most of the time we are told that these are "false" religious groups who are cunning people of their money. However, though I once bought into this belief I can safely say now that I can testify that this has happened to me.
There is so much in store for us if we would just study the bible and BELIEVE the power of God in our lives. Many look at Christianity for all the "rules and regulations" and say that they are better off without it. Be that as it may, should this be your choice, do not believe that it is the same for those of us who decided to choose God anyway.
There is great debate about tithing, how it should be done, and even whether it should be done. Talk of pastors "eating the money and living large while the members suffer..." Let's face it MONEY and CHURCH has always been a topic of controversy for many. Some even believe that you cannot be a Christian and be wealthy.
This is why it is wise to read the bible for yourself and to question and pray about what your pastor is teaching you, so you may not end up missing your blessings.
The first time God gave me hope in sewing money is a few years ago when a preacher preached about first fruit.
"The Hebrew word for first fruit is bikkurim-literally translated to "promise to come." The Israelaites saw these first fruits as an investment into their future. God told them that if they brought their first fruits to him, he would bless all that came afterward."-Jesse Wisnewski
Proverbs 3:9-10 states; 9" Honour the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your harvest; 10 then your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats overflow with new wine."
So as the pastor preached on this subject there a tug in my spirit to do it while the voice of this is "#Fakenews" repeated itself. Nevertheless, I did it. It was my first payment in the new year (January) and the Lord knew I was broke and needed that money badly. I cried as I wrapped it in a sheet of paper I tore from a notebook.
A few days later I had to collect another payment, upon receiving the payment I realised that the cashier had given me DOUBLE what my invoice stated. So I went to her and explains that she had made a mistake and that I had gotten too much money. She looked at me with a smile and said; "This is what my boss told me to give to you."
Imagine my shock at the time! Her boss (who was also responsible for paying me) is a Muslim, I say this to show the uncommon favour I had received. The money I had sewn (Honouring God with my first fruit) in tears, had returned in an "overflow in my afterwards...)
Though I had this experience, the battle of money and Christianity still continued in my life. But God is definitely working on that. And 2020 (a 'crazy year' for many of us) was another sign of His favour as He showed up for me miraculously again.
I decided to resign from my teaching job to stay home with my baby in a pandemic. My biggest bill was a loan that was due to be paid off in 2021. As I wrote down my monthly expenses, I continued to pray that God would cancel that loan. I must admit I did pray in hesitation that it was even possible but a part of me believed.-Mustard seed faith perhaps.
My pastor prophesied debt cancellation and of course, I received it. A few ago I called my bank to find out my balance so I could plan how I would pay it off without a steady income. "I don't see the loan..." my officer stated. Again in awe, I questioned; "Really?" She then cross-checked and says, "The Loan has been REPAID."
Still, in shock, I asked her to send me an email stating this, just to ensure that it was really happening. She then explained that they usually give a letter. A few days later I collected the letter that stated:
We advise that the above-mentioned loan facility was repaid in full on October 2020... should you require further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us..."
I am truly grateful to God for this miracle that words cannot express how I feel and in case this may seem unreal to you, another church sister also testified that her debt of over $7,000.00 was cancelled.
So we continue to give God glory, we continue to pay our tithes and bring our first fruits in the form of money or any other fruits, to the storehouse and unto the priest as we wait diligently on God to fulfill His promises.
I wanted this to happen to me in 2017 but it wasn't my season. Nevertheless, I stayed true to God because He promised that His plans for me are to prosper me and not to harm me, to give me hope and a future...Jerimiah 29:11
He said in 3 John 2 "Beloved I wish above all things that you prosper and be in good health, even as they soul prospereth"
and most of all Ephesians 3:30-21 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen."
To be a believer in the God of Jesus Christ you must have FAITH, you must BELIEVE in the word that you read from the bible and you will see His great works in your life. For without faith it is impossible to serve God. -Hebrews 11:6
Special thanks to my church Miracle Ministries International -Antigua
1. The Holy Bible
2. Jesse Wisnewski, Firs fruit in the bible, retrieved from
Saturday, 21 November 2020
“Just Because I am a Christian doesn’t mean I’m boring!”
During my conversion journey into being a born again believer, the reactions of people around me have truly left me in awe and led me to put things into perspective a little.
Of course, becoming a believer would mean a lifestyle change in a few ways. This means that any actions that glorify the flesh (See Galatians 5) would no longer be "a thing" to indulge in. I now have to be more careful with my life's choices because they must glorify the God I serve and profess.
However many of the people around me seem to think that this change meant a boring life and it became obvious in the way they began to treat me.
For starters, the honesty seems to be gone out of the window, and pretense took its place. People would speak or act a certain way around me just because I am a Christian but would act completely different behind my back. I’m not sure if I should see this as a form of respect or just plain out deception.
I call the latter because God already knows everything about us, there is no need to pretend to be someone else to His children or to Him. So as I always say “Just be REAL!”
Then there are activities for entertainment. As I have listed in a previous article Where Else can Christians go besides movies or Beach?” There is a plethora of empowering activities one can do for fun and recreation.
So why persons believe that we (believers) are boring simply because we do not engage in events that glorify the flesh through nakedness, reveling, and drunkenness is beyond me.
So here’s to the misinformed; just because I am a Christian doesn’t mean I am boring. I can go to dinners, have parties that do not involve alcohol, dance to gospel soca, gospel reggae, gospel pop, and even Gospel rock!- You get the idea. And I can do so many other things including having real conversations with friends about their joys, dreams, plans, struggles, their hurts, and their pains or even the terrible things they have done. I simply do not gossip!
The God I serve is a God is Joy and happiness (The fruits of His spirit is LOVE, JOY PEACE...see more in Glatitians 5:22-23) and He loves it when His children are happy.
So if you need “rum” and other fleshly things to make you happy then you have the free will to enjoy. But don’t for a second think that Christians are boring for not tagging along.
Friday, 13 November 2020
How God used my baby to teach me persistence!
Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
Although I usually preach that giving up is not an option, I must admit when results don't appear in a timely manner I often get discouraged.
Any mother knows of those tired nights when you wish your little gem would just go to sleep so you can do the same.
It was one of those nights for me. I had used up most of my determination and was basically running on empty.
But of course, babygirl does not know that. So I held her in the usual outstretched position I introduced her to as a way of rocking her to sleep. Let me tell you right now, that was a bad idea. Try the shoulder or even the feeding position instead. Those are easier on your arms as they get older and gain more "chub."
As I rocked her I felt my arm muscles beginning to burn. And her eyes still bright and bushy-tailed. Lol! "Keep going!" The Lord said to me. "It's going to work." So I mustered up some strength & kept going.
My muscles began to scream louder as they burn, "think of it as a way to get your arms back in shape..." I thought. Then the self-talk continued. "If God is allowing it, then I can take it!"
So as His voice continued to minister to me so plainly to "keep going..." I stayed the course till I saw results. With a few more minutes of burning arms, my honey closed her eyes and went to sleep.-Victory!
I am glad I kept going for as simple as this may seem it sure will be my reminder to PERSIST each time I think of giving up! "Sometimes we learn the greatest lessons from the simplest explanations or examples." By Netisha Alie-Grant
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Sometimes the Puddle along your way is your ticket to your destination!
Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
True story:
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
5 ways to express your anger without committing a sin!
Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
Definition: According to the Cambridge Dictionary 'Anger' is defined as "a strong feeling that makes you want to hurt someone or be unpleasant because of something unfair or unkind that has happened."
Anger though a very natural emotion and reaction to the things we experience, is actually energy that you can channel into something beneficial to you and or others.
The Bible’s most well known scripture on Anger is Ephesians 4:26 “be ye angry, and sin not; let not the sun go down upon your wrath”
Thus Paul is urging us to naturally feel this emotion, experience it but keep it at bay so that it does not result in us “losing our salvation...” i.e "hurting someone or being unpleasant."
I must confess that it was very easy for me to get angry but since I gave my heart to Jesus, the still small voice of God just won’t let me stay there for too long. As a result I am also able to get rid of it just as easily once I have expressed it.
So how does one, especially a Christian, express their anger without committing a sin or more?
We are commonly told to control our anger to ensure it doesn’t yield destructive fruits but do we want to hold our anger in and suppress it? Do we want to “let the sun go down on our wrath...” Because doing so isn’t healthy.
So how do we get angry and sin not?
Here are a few suggestions that may be useful:
- Talk to God about it: Seriously tell Him like it is and exactly how you feel! “Lord I want to speak profanity, I am angry I feel hate....” He already knows everything. This is exactly what praying is, talking & listening to God in the purest ways.
- Try a stress ball or other soft material ( a stuffed animal a pillow) that can handle the pressure. Squeeze the hell (because that's what it can feel like: hell) out of something that has no feelings yet soft so it doesn’t hurt your hands & you’re not hurting it either.
- Go to your anger expression place, it could be throwing stones at the water or breaking things in a junk yard or even using a sledge hammer to break the ground; depending on the soil type you might just create the foundation for something great in the process.
- Take a walk & talk to yourself or go up to the mountain top or to a quiet place where no one else will think that you’re crazy and scream or CRY!
- Exercise! Remember anger is energy that you can channel into something useful. Why not up your game on those push ups & squats? Your body will thank you for it!
Everyone handles their emotions (anger) differently however the above are 5 suggestions to go through that very natural part of your life without any negative consequences: SIN.
What are some ways you express anger healthily? Leave a comment below to share!
Sources: Cambridge Dictionary, (n.d) Anger, retrieved from
Monday, 2 November 2020
You Can Quote Me On That... Life Lessons by Young & Christian
Written by Netisha Alie-Grant
As one who is usually looking for a deeper meaning to life, I often gain quite a bit of insight through this quality.
Some of it comes while I am having a conversation with others or while I am assessing my very own thought processes. Whichever way it happens I believe that I gain divine insight because of my relationship with God.
For that, I am truly grateful and humble!
Here are a few of the ones I have recorded, others have gone into the wind because I didn’t write them down. However, I have been getting the push to publish them so PLEASE revisit this article as I will be continually updating it as these life lessons come to me.
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Thoughts of a humble young woman: Austin Texas 2010 |
1. "The best way to measure one’s character is through time; no human can breathe underwater naturally." -Netisha Alie-Grant
2."You always have the option of working through your offenses instead of ignorantly separating yourself from the offender & becoming bitter." -Netisha Alie-Grant
3. "Make the time every day to laugh so hard that you lose your cuteness for a minute; your sanity depends on it." -Netisha Alie-Grant
4. "You are NOT defined by the evaluation of others." -Netisha Alie-Grant
5. "If you based your relationship with God on the blessings He can give you, you will never be faithful to Him." -Netisha Alie-Grant
6. "When you learn that life WILL have difficulties, they will no longer affect your mood or decision." -Netisha Alie-Grant
7. "We often make the mistake in believing that God's goodness towards us is painless." -Netisha Alie-Grant
8. "Despite the many challenges and detours we may experience along the way, the goals remain the same; overcome & keep going till they are achieved." -Netisha Alie-Grant
9. "How can you expect to lead and set trends if you are not willing to embrace being copied or followed?"- Netisha Alie-Grant
10. "Sometimes we learn the greatest lessons from the simplest explanations or examples." By Netisha Alie-Grant
To be continued...
The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept
Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!” Listen to Podcast here...

Natasha discovered she had cancer at a critical time for her family. By Netisha Alie The Alie family was still morning the loss ...
Many churches who profess Christianity usually are on a quest to save souls, and successfully do so. They get sinners to find Christ, surr...