There is a saying that no one is perfect, but this is exactly the reason why Jesus is the perfect and ultimate role model for anyone.
Written by Netisha Alie
It really doesn't matter who or what you believe in, a role model is someone who influences you, whether in a great way or a terrible manner. Whatever rocks your boat, if you're going to choose an influencer, how about the one who has been making waves for thousands of years and is still as fresh in 2018. Who better to go into 2019 with?
Jesus walked the face of this earth over two thousand years ago, yet His following is growing. What is it about this man's life that has people becoming so attached to Him? Let us examine a few of many reasons why Jesus Christ is the perfect example to follow.
1. He has a heart that breeds compassion and agape love
Jesus was a king in His own rights as the son of the Creator of the universe. But He was so humble that He didn't let his power make Him a stuck up guy who looked down on others. Instead He reached out to the lowly and poor amongst society and gave them hope, healed them, delivered them and taught them how to live life abundantly, through relationship and working together.
2. He was disciplined and focused on His goals
Jesus knew He was sent to earth for a purpose. He recognized this purpose and never succumbed to distractions. He chose His friends wisely and even chose His enemies and kept them close (Judas), knowing that even they served a purpose in causing His destiny to come to pass. Jesus was also humbled yet defiant. He knew when to hold His tongue and when to walk away from situations and when to stand up and be bold.
3. He was sensitive towards the needs of others
If there is one thing Jesus is remembered for is His service to others. Jesus understood that it is by giving to others that the true blessing came. Even His divine purpose was to give of Himself for others. He didn't care whether they deserved it or not, He was willing to help and forgive. The many lives Jesus saved in His 3 years of public ministry is the very core of who He is. He was known amongst all classes of people and was willing to love and teach any of them who were willing to listen with their ears.
4. He was a teacher type of leader and not a boss
One of the first things Jesus did in His ministry was to pick His team. He let's us understand that we cannot succeed in this life all by ourselves, as much as some of us wish we could do it all. Jesus had many followers but He picked 12 specific men to walk with Him and to teach and breed new leaders who would continue His work once His time ends. If you are not creating more of your greatness then you are not on the road of success. Helping others to succeed too is one of the key principles to making great impact in this life. Isn't this why people have "role-models" in the first place?
5. & 6 He gave up His life for others & respected authority
The greatest most divine act that Jesus performed was the ultimate sacrifice of love.-His divine purpose. Jesus knew why He came and He accepted the mantle. Needless to say He did pray that He didn't have to carry such a burden but even with all His power Jesus respected the authority above himself. -GOD the Father! "Father if this cup should pass me, let it, yet not my will but yours be done..." Jesus knew the importance of His purpose, and He also knew the burden and pain it came with. Yet He remained persistent to the end.
7. He has power in His name and He is proof that there is power in the tongue (words we speak)
The bible teaches us from Genesis that there is power in our words. That we can actually speak things into being. This rule of life may not get much credit as a biblical principle but it actually is. This rule is actually one of the rules in The Secret-be 'impeccable with your words, affirmations... ' Jesus is a great example of using this rule. Much of Jesus' work was done through the words that He spoke. He was very wise with the words He spoke and the responses He gave when challenged. His words brought life and healing to the dead and sick while it brought curse and death on others. Today those who believe can perform miracles in His name!
Jesus' physical body was crucified thousands of years ago, but the impact He created on this earth is still causing a great stir. Some people deny He was real and go to great lengths and depths to tarnish His existence. Yet billions of people follow His example and strive to live the life He lived. Not only is there great satisfaction in following Jesus' example but the joy it brings is divine and beyond this world just as He is.
Jesus still lives in the hearts of many, and He continues to love and intercede for people like me and you. He could've said, "heck no, no way am I going through all this for these wicked people..." But He chose to go through and came out victorious in the end.
Who else in this universe can love and endure like He did? Who else can be a better example to follow than Him? I challenge you, make Jesus your role model, there is so much more to learn from His life that this article is only a tip of the iceberg. Don't take my word for it, go look Him up for yourself! ;)
For more on Jesus please Read the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John along with the plethora of other books and movies that demonstrates His life's journey.
Written by Netisha Alie
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Photo Credits Bishop Kenneth Richard's Fb Page |
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Jesus walked the face of this earth over two thousand years ago, yet His following is growing. What is it about this man's life that has people becoming so attached to Him? Let us examine a few of many reasons why Jesus Christ is the perfect example to follow.
1. He has a heart that breeds compassion and agape love
Jesus was a king in His own rights as the son of the Creator of the universe. But He was so humble that He didn't let his power make Him a stuck up guy who looked down on others. Instead He reached out to the lowly and poor amongst society and gave them hope, healed them, delivered them and taught them how to live life abundantly, through relationship and working together.
2. He was disciplined and focused on His goals
Jesus knew He was sent to earth for a purpose. He recognized this purpose and never succumbed to distractions. He chose His friends wisely and even chose His enemies and kept them close (Judas), knowing that even they served a purpose in causing His destiny to come to pass. Jesus was also humbled yet defiant. He knew when to hold His tongue and when to walk away from situations and when to stand up and be bold.
3. He was sensitive towards the needs of others
If there is one thing Jesus is remembered for is His service to others. Jesus understood that it is by giving to others that the true blessing came. Even His divine purpose was to give of Himself for others. He didn't care whether they deserved it or not, He was willing to help and forgive. The many lives Jesus saved in His 3 years of public ministry is the very core of who He is. He was known amongst all classes of people and was willing to love and teach any of them who were willing to listen with their ears.
4. He was a teacher type of leader and not a boss
One of the first things Jesus did in His ministry was to pick His team. He let's us understand that we cannot succeed in this life all by ourselves, as much as some of us wish we could do it all. Jesus had many followers but He picked 12 specific men to walk with Him and to teach and breed new leaders who would continue His work once His time ends. If you are not creating more of your greatness then you are not on the road of success. Helping others to succeed too is one of the key principles to making great impact in this life. Isn't this why people have "role-models" in the first place?
5. & 6 He gave up His life for others & respected authority
The greatest most divine act that Jesus performed was the ultimate sacrifice of love.-His divine purpose. Jesus knew why He came and He accepted the mantle. Needless to say He did pray that He didn't have to carry such a burden but even with all His power Jesus respected the authority above himself. -GOD the Father! "Father if this cup should pass me, let it, yet not my will but yours be done..." Jesus knew the importance of His purpose, and He also knew the burden and pain it came with. Yet He remained persistent to the end.
7. He has power in His name and He is proof that there is power in the tongue (words we speak)
The bible teaches us from Genesis that there is power in our words. That we can actually speak things into being. This rule of life may not get much credit as a biblical principle but it actually is. This rule is actually one of the rules in The Secret-be 'impeccable with your words, affirmations... ' Jesus is a great example of using this rule. Much of Jesus' work was done through the words that He spoke. He was very wise with the words He spoke and the responses He gave when challenged. His words brought life and healing to the dead and sick while it brought curse and death on others. Today those who believe can perform miracles in His name!
Jesus' physical body was crucified thousands of years ago, but the impact He created on this earth is still causing a great stir. Some people deny He was real and go to great lengths and depths to tarnish His existence. Yet billions of people follow His example and strive to live the life He lived. Not only is there great satisfaction in following Jesus' example but the joy it brings is divine and beyond this world just as He is.
Jesus still lives in the hearts of many, and He continues to love and intercede for people like me and you. He could've said, "heck no, no way am I going through all this for these wicked people..." But He chose to go through and came out victorious in the end.
Who else in this universe can love and endure like He did? Who else can be a better example to follow than Him? I challenge you, make Jesus your role model, there is so much more to learn from His life that this article is only a tip of the iceberg. Don't take my word for it, go look Him up for yourself! ;)
For more on Jesus please Read the 4 gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke & John along with the plethora of other books and movies that demonstrates His life's journey.