Sunday, 22 April 2018

This is what happens to you when you give your life to God.

I am a Christian! What does that mean in 2018? What did it mean 10, 20 or even 100 years ago? In my walk with God, I have noticed some of my peers stop sharing a chat with me and that's partially because some way somehow in the conversation God will be mentioned and I do sense the friction it presents. Whatever the reason, I don't believe that will change because just like couples flash their new loves on social media and all over, I too have caught a love bug. However it's not with another human but with my creator. So what does being a Christian, Believer, Child of God... means? Its a life transforming relationship that takes your mind, body and spirit on a whole other level. It's accepting a renewed mind and a changed lifestyle on a higher level!-It's liberating yourself from the power of sin and rising above! 2 Corinthians 5:17 states "therefore if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come, old has gone, the new is here!" Waw! This is powerful! What would you do if you actually had a clean slate at life, to start fresh? Well you can in Christ! Isn't that amazing? Your past and the old you is buried and you begin a new life with God. Truly Amazing!
The beauty we see in the earth, is God's love shining through to us.
Photo by Netisha Alie 

Now you may have heard the great news that we are no longer under the law of moses where an eye was taken for an eye. (See Exodus 21:24) Thus we are now under Grace, since Christ has paid for our sins. -Making it a lot easier for us to go to God and actually have a relationship with Him! More great news. You have the power now to connect with your creator through Christ Jesus, the ONLY way! (John 14:6) Hence you have a first class ticket to your creator what will you do with it?

With this power and so much more in our hands, why haven't we tapped into it? Why are some still living in bondage? Some people actually believe they can go on living a carnal and frivolous lifestyle and still have God. One cannot be more wrong to think this way. Christians do not aspire to live a different lifestyle from the world because they want to show off. Signing to be in a relationship with God brings conviction to your soul. One you must feed on the things of God. You cannot become a 'NEW CREATURE' if you are still filled with the old things that do no align with God. You must empty yourself and allow His spirit to fill you up till you overflow and pour out to others.

The presence of God is PURE, it's Holy and it simply cannot dwell in sinful flesh. In other to be renewed in God we must be set a part, cease from worldly pleasures and walk with Him. Hence my saying earlier 'it's a changed lifestyle.' God's presence must be able to shine through you to others. They must see His goodness resonating within you and ask you what it is that you have because they want it too.

When someone is truly in love with another, they begin to change for that person. They do some things they have never done before, they make sacrifices, going the extra mile to keep their love happy. Do you believe we do that in isolation? No! The very core of this action is rooted in God: he IS LOVE! 1 John 4:19 tells us this so plainly; "we love because HE first loved us..." If we can do it for another human, how much more should our heavenly Father deserve it? Jesus tells His disciples three times in John 14 that if they love Him they will obey His commandments. (See verses 15, 21 & 23) and that's simply what Believers are to do once they have received the Holy Spirit of God: "Obey His commandments..."

So when you go to church and hear the pastor asking "is there anyone who wants to give their life to God?" or maybe you'll hear it from a church sister or brother asking if you are 'saved?' Think on these things. It's an invitation from the Perfect Gentleman, asking if YOU would like to have His Last name and become His own. Then once you accept His gentle yet life changing request, remember you will connect with Him through His word and as He 'renews your mind and makes you a new creation' your life simply cannot be the same. You'll be living in the world but not be of it, you'll experience a level of self control that no amount of psychology and science can give and to put the cherry on top of it all, You'll receive the purest, richest most overwhelming love you could ever experience!

I am happy I got the chance to make that choice, and I pray that you and everyone can experience it too! For the Love of God is free for all and is surely worth sharing! :) Like any other useful change, it's a process and won't happen over night, but stay focused and faithful as God is focused and Faithful to you and you'll reap the fruits of your labour!

Monday, 9 April 2018

Death, Do you fear it or look forward to it?

Written by Netisha Alie-Grant 
(Author of Inspirational Book Walking a Two-Way Street) 

We tend to live fearlessly until every once in a while death comes around to remind us that we are not immortal and unless Jesus comes back now, death will come.

A day or two ago I sat and looked at a cemetery  across the road and thought, "hey maybe living next to a cemetery isn’t such a bad thing." It gave me a fresh perspective of the idea. Seeing a cemetery while you go on living is a good reminder, like the many bodies there, of the possible fate you’ll eventually have. Maybe in doing so, one won’t forget to live like they cannot die and be a bit more humble. Perhaps they’ll live a little less selfishly and above others considering that the ground is reserved for no specific status.

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Death, how can one find comfort in such a ‘dreadful’ experience for humans? Some are living and praying to die, believing it will be the ending to their hurt or suffering. Others fear the very idea of it and some, shrug at it as just something that happens just like growing up. -Naturally! Yet when this occurs, especially to someone you love, it plays strongly on the strings of your emotions, as if the world  stops turning and finding the hope to even keep on living can be a luxury. Where can those who are left behind to continue the race of life begin again after a fellow ‘runner’ has fallen? 

Jesus the greatest man who ever lived, came into this world to die. In His death came a new beginning where His spirit was released from His flesh and reconciled with the Father. In John 12:20 - 35 Jesus predicts His death to His disciples and says to them in verse 24. "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces MANY seeds." NIV What was Jesus saying about death using this very apparent example that we all experience? He knew that as long as He was still in human form he could only be with some of His brothers and sisters at a time but in dying, He would be opening the doorway to give every human a chance to experience Him no matter where we are, all at once. He confirms that in verse 32. saying "when I be lifted up from this earth I will draw ALL men onto me..."

Looking at death from Jesus' experience is a way to find comfort in the whole thing.Ecclesiastes 7:1-2 says to rejoice in death and cry at birth. 2. that ...'death is the destiny of everyone." NIV Revelation 21:1 - 8 describes a New Heaven and a New Earth. The author gives a vivid description of what it will be like. Verse 2 "...I saw a Holy City, ...prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband," and God will be with His chosen people. -verse 4 "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the OLD order of things has passed away."  Isn't that amazing news? 

This death is our doorway to the beautiful after life, we can enjoy life on earth as Jesus came so we can have it in abundance, but because of sin, death roams this earth and it will pass away. Yet hope remains for those in Christ Jesus. This is a Hope that many of us can hold on to today when we lose a love in Christ Jesus, for those who die in Christ are considered asleep and so we, knowing that Jesus died and rose again,..."even so God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep in Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Such a great victory over the grave! 

I recently had a friend who lost his mom to dreadful cancer, and his comment expressed 'even though we fasted and prayed, God give and he takes... and we truly find comfort in knowing you are in a better place...' Death is obviously difficult for us. Losing someone you love isn't easy, but if you knew, like my friend did, that they died in Christ then you need not 'grieve as the rest with no hope..." 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 

The question I leave us all with is this: Some will taste death while some will not before Christ's return, either way, are we preparing to transition in Christ? How we die, In Christ or in sin will make the difference. 
John 11:25-26 "Jesus said to her; "I am the resurrection and the life, whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live, and everyone who lives and believes in me, shall never die. Do you believe this?" 

May the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace! 

Comforting Verses about death: 1 corinthians 15:51:57, Romans 8:38-39 and John 11:25-26 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

Read This if You're Teaching for the Paycheck

It is said that those who can't, teach, a job that some look down upon. -Not enough money. Very few parents encourage their children to be a Teacher when they grow up, the government in most countries under pay teachers and provide very little incentive for them and then there is that person who is looking for something to do and decides, 'Hey, maybe i'll just go teach...' Then don't show up for classes, take extra holidays, walks into the class puts notes on the board and couldn't care less if the students learn or not, because you know, you'll get paid at the end of the month.

I have some news for you. I am a teacher, and I am far from a perfect one, but when I reflect and feel like I didn't give of my best to my students I quickly repent and ask God to forgive me. Sounds weird? Here's why!

Firstly, teaching is a vocation not a job. You cannot do it for the money, because unless you are living in Finland, the salary is not half as much as it should be. So if you're thinking about it in that way, forget it. Now let's see what God thinks about teaching;

Ephesians 4:8 NKJV "Therefore He says: 'When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, and gave GIFTS to men.' 11. "and He Himself (Christ) gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and TEACHERS, 12. for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for edifying of the body of Christ..."  Here we see that teaching is a part of what is called The Five fold ministry. -A gift from Christ himself for the benefit of God's Kingdom.

James 3:1 "My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgement."
Matthew 18:5-6 "whoever receives one little child like this in my name receives me. 6. 'whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to sin, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were drowned in the depth of the sea."

Whether you believe this applies to bible teachers only or not, recognize the seriousness in which God views this 'gift' and what  His word says about the consequences of not doing it for the right reasons.-Which should be for the development of your students. Failing to teach them will result in their life's position and who will be responsible for that?

If you know that you are not genuinely trying to help these students (little ones) entrusted in your care to become someone great in life, it's best to find another 'just for the paycheck job' where the consequences are lower than to risk a 'millstone being tied to your neck...'

Romans 12:6-7 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith; 7. if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;"  In other words, find your talent and do it, because in doing so you'll be saving others and yourself by making a better contribution to society, since it's what you were created to do.-Your gift! If that includes teaching, then hold your teaching job with high regard because you are right up there with the greats of God's kingdom and your job is really that important!

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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