Friday, 30 March 2018

Why do Christians celebrate Good Friday?

People tell you they love you all the time. Whether it is your parents, your best cousin, a 'lover' or that creepy guy/gal you just met.-Someone has told you that they love you. However, just how much do they 'love' you? Would any of them die for you if the two of you were in a life and death situation and one of you had to die? Would they give up their heart for you if you needed a heart transplant? How about being held at gun point, would they keep their stance? Just how much do they 'love' you?

Every year between the months of March and April, christians around the world celebrate this day called GOOD FRIDAY! Now if this day is supposed to be remembered because God sent His only son to be crucified, (on that day) John chapter 3, where is the 'Good' in someone's death? . Do we say "Good" and rejoice when someone dies? This seems unnatural doesn't it.

Just why do these people (christians) celebrate a day when their 'savior' Jesus was brutally beaten, 40 times with a multiple lash whip, tortured, then made to carry a cross that He would then be nailed to and left to die? Doesn't sound like an experience to celebrate but rather to mourn right?

While Jesus truly endured quite a death penalty, Christians do not celebrate His pain but rather celebrate the purpose of it all. Jesus could only go through all this for a genuine purpose or purposes.  He even asked God to take it away from Him and spare Him from this if it was possible, although He knew how it would end. Luke 22:42 "Father if you are willing, take this cup from me, yet not my will but yours be done" Why else would anyone innocently endure all this?

 1. He did it out of obedience to God His father, who sent Him for that purpose. Even when Jesus asked to be delivered from this sacrifice He remain obedient to God, His father, saying; 'not my will but YOURS (God's) be done.'

2. LOVE! Jesus knew that His pain and suffering was to SAVE God's creation (people/humans) and to give them a gateway to actually have a shot at meeting the Father. Before Jesus, was the law, the one that says 'an eye for an eye...' Exodus 21:23-25... How many of us today can safely say if this law was still prevalent that we'd make it to heaven? NONE!

So when you see christians celebrating Good Friday, going to church, praying, fasting, watching Passion of the Christ, eating saltfish and doucouna, or even sharing Good Friday Memes it isn't just another day or a Friday that we thank God for, but one where we remember the Ultimate Sacrifice of Pure Agape Love. One that saved us from the penalty of our sins and opened a gateway for us to have a shot at seeing our heavenly Father!  Ain't that something worth making a big deal about? Happy Good Friday!

Wednesday, 14 March 2018

Why can't we just Love God?

As I sank into the worship this evening, the song 'Fill me up' by Tasha Cobbs began to permeate my spirit. I began to sing along asking God to cleanse me of my transgressions and remove every area of my life that wasn't pleasing to Him. His presence continue to 'fill me up' and I freely poured out everything from within me onto my Father. It's like a spiritual purge to engage in such a practice. You just surrender everything onto your creator and trust that He will just have his way in your life. Trust me when I say it does feel great to do and I may be inspired to write a separate article about it some day.

However, in the midst of this great spiritual engagement, I opened my eyes to see a lady in front of me using her phone, I began to weep uncontrollably while asking the question; "WHY CAN'T WE JUST LOVE GOD?'

Christians have the most beautiful treasure in the universe. We have the opportunity to experience True Love! A god that created such a beautiful world for us to call home with everything we could possibly ask for in it. He then gave us dominion (power) over it all! He watches us daily as we go around choosing everything else over Him, yet His love never changes. He sacrificed His only son to have a relationship with us, His own creation.

He even gave us the freewill to choose Him. He takes care of us, provides for us, takes us out of trouble, FORGIVES our any and every sin. And all He asks is for us to choose Him so we can experience even more of this abundant love and live out His great plan for us. How can we not love Him?

What does it have to take for us to simply LOVE God? We go through our daily lives making time for everything in our schedule and whatever is left or if any time is left we go to church or say  a quick prayer and even get annoyed if the priest or pastor is taking too long. We spend our money on everything we desire and scratch our purses to fetch the few coins remaining to throw pitifully into the offering baskets then get angry and curse the pastor/priest for loving money. Is that all God is worth to us?

We even fight against each other and argue that this denomination is better than the other. Does the God who created us show concern with such things? What will it take for us to show Him that He comes first just as He puts us first. We rush him to bless us and are quite unhappy when He says 'No' or 'not yet', as if He isn't smart enough to know what we need and when we need it.

The tears came rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't hold them back. Perhaps when I asked God to 'Fill me up' he wanted me to feel a little bit of the pain I and others cause Him when we choose everything else over Him. Imagine someone loving you unconditionally with agape Love and watches on every day as you take that love and go on doing everything else but acknowledging it, taking it for granted.

We hurt when we love and don't get love in return, imagine God! It'll run out some day you know. And when it does, we will want it. Let's not let that day come. God wants a relationship with YOU! Won't you let Him love you today and reciprocate?

Monday, 12 March 2018

It costs to live holy!

I once told my dad that Jesus said one must deny their own family to follow Him and he was quite baffled by the idea. Surely he understood it in its basic terms that one must abandon his father to follow God. However, I proceeded to explain that it meant that not even your family, the ones you love so dearly or even your own life should come before God.
photo by Netisha Alie 
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In Luke 14:25-34 Jesus turns to the crowd following Him and says 26" If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters,- yes even their own life- such a person cannot be my disciple. 27 and whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple. "

He went on to explain how people plan and calculate the cost of projects before they embark on them to ensure that they are prepared and have what it takes to complete it. (Verses 28 - 32) Then reiterates in verse 33. "in the same way those of you who do not give up everything you have cannot be my disciple." 

Did Jesus really mean this? What is He truly saying to the person who wishes to become a Christian, one of His followers? -That they must leave everything behind and focus on Him? Waw! Sounds like a lot to give up for 'the man in the sky' doesn't it?

Well He meant it and knew exactly why He said it. To truly live as Jesus' disciples, you cannot allow anything in this world to come between you and Him. And because of this, you are expected to become a loner at times, walking in the wilderness, just you and God. People will curse you, criticize you, say you are brainwashed or in a cult and even say that you act like you are better than them because you chose not to live a certain way anymore. Gee expect to lose some friends along the way, but this is the "Cross" Jesus was talking about. 

You must take it up and KEEP WALKING! The devil will use just about everyone around you to bring shame to you, attacking you from every angle. You'll be wounded and they will still throw salt in your wounds. It will come from your family, friends, children, job, any and everything that you love and care about is likely to be used against you. 

photo by Netisha Alie 
I believe that's why most Christians backslide, because they just can't take the 'heat.' However if you stick around long enough God is Faithful and He will perfect everything that is concerning you. He never said it was easy, He just said it will be worth it. 

In my one year in this walk, I have seen people walk out of my life, most likely God took them out :), coworkers have tried to get me fired, i've been misunderstood, told I was brainwashed and acting cultish and hopefully i'd wake up soon, called 'holier than though', man rumors and all sorts of crap! Guess what? I have gone through them all and saw God move in greater ways each time. The very tongues that cursed me are now asking me to pray for them... interesting eh? :) Ah, but that is just how God works and I am more than happy to help. 

It doesn't matter what you endure while carrying your 'cross' in this life, God will avenge you, for when the world rise up against you, God is the greater one and He is with you. It will be hard but once you recognize that the highest power in life is on your side, the victory is already won and know that; you're gonna be just fine...' John 16:33 "these things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have TRIBULATION, but be of good cheer; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD! KJ21 Ain't that great news?! 

So if you wish to be a follower of Jesus, know it is not a walk in the park, there will be many battles and the cost is very high, BUT it is all worth it in the end! As my intro asks;  "dare to join the journey?" Why have it any other way? :) 

*Updated in September 2020 to add this song: All That matters by GUC! Have a listen, God bless you! 

My hairstyle taught me a valuable lesson!

Written by Netisha Alie 

So it was my birthday and I actually planned two years in advance that I was going to get this hair cut. To show just how serious I was, I googled my haircut then emailed it to myself just so I won't forget. Yea! I meant business. 
Nevertheless, between that two year gap I became a born again Christian and well, of course a few things changed. The scripture says in 1 Corinthians 11:15 "but if that a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as her covering" was repeated to me by others and well, being a woman of God means you simply have to abide by the things of God. So here I am between a rock and a hard place. Do I fulfill the desires of my flesh and cut my hair or should I obey His will. Of course God's way prevailed in the end despite my rebellious nature to simply have it my way. I mean it was my birthday and my hair, the one thing I could mess and have fun with. Nevertheless, the alternative I decided to take was to put a very short weave, glued on. There I had my short style and my hair was nice and safe underneath. Win win I believe. 
Photo by Netisha

However, the real Cinderella story was when I stepped out of the salon. Sure I received compliments by the passerby and nodded with gratitude. That was until I got to work the next day. Some of my students in shock by the drastic change began to laugh and make jokes that 'teacher had on a wig...' surely I wasn't the only person in the school wearing what looked like a wig that day but it was quite interesting to see. 

Some came to me to encourage, 'don't worry with them teacher...' I simply smiled and assured them that I am an adult and that it didn't really matter.  Then another teacher comes to ask for a picture  so that she could get  something similar. The excitement had died off in no time and the dust seem to have settled or did it? 

Later while talking to my niece I found out that she thought I looked like a 'granny' lol because you know, again it looks like a wig and I guess they still believe only 'grannies' wear wigs. After that moment I began to reflect on the whole 'ordeal.' Could it be that there was a lesson in all of this? Sure there was. You see people are going to always have comments, good or bad about the things your decide to do in this life, but what are you going to do about it? Will you stop to listen to every comment? Will you allow the comments to make you change your mind about what you feel comfortable about? Would you change you or the things you love because others believe it's 'not all that's or it's 'all that and a bag of chips?' 
Back view 

I think not! Well​ I didn't! You can't be happy when the good comments come then be sad or broken when the 'negatives' come. Never allow your emotions to get so dependent on the opinions of others but rather, be confident in the choices you make and stand by you no matter what others say because if you don't who will? :) 
I may have known this fact before but I must admit, My Hairstyle taught me that lesson with hands on experience. 
P.s I'm still rocking it and will rock it for as long as I desire. 

Saturday, 3 March 2018

Are Committed Relationships becoming 'Extinct'?

Written by Netisha Alie 

It is my wish to see long lasting, faithful and genuine relationships flourish in 2018 and beyond, however in my observation it seems to be becoming a 'thing of the past'. Why is it that as a young lady I am so eager to see people in love and weathering the storms and seasons together year after year? Why am I so concerned that there aren't many couples to look up to and get hope that there are actually relationships out there that put in the work and stay the course, maintaining the vow-'till death do us part...'?
Photo by Netisha Alie 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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