Monday, 27 November 2017

I attend a church I once made fun of!

Written by Netisha Alie 

A pastor once told me, "do not make fun of God's people because The Holy Spirit will embarrass you..." I laughed. Oh how ignorant I was!

One  August Sunday 2016, my family and I had planned this island tour of Antigua. That same week I spoke to a friend who had invited me to church that same Sunday, to a church that I had heard so many things about. "I dressing up to get a husband, because they say once you want a husband go to this church," "I need to look fabulous, because they say you have to dress upscale to go to this church..." words I uttered in 'mockery' to my family as I walked to my car. 'Don't forget to bring your offering because that is a money church' one of them added, throwing fuel to the fire of joke and fun. Boy did I have it coming for me. lol!

When I got to the church, the worship was kinda good because I love music, but I felt so out of place and kept track of the time because you know; I have an island tour to go to. By 11 am I was out of there, because I didn't know that church wouldn't be finished by then. The pastor had just begun his sermon on Sardis and the main idea seemed to be about the people of Sardis not minding a crack in their wall which led to their demise. Anyway, I left and went on to enjoy my island tour that day, which turned out to be super fun. Little did I know I had planted a seed that God was about to nurture.

The following Sunday I was invited to attend again, since I had explained to my friend that I didn't stay till the end, due to my little tour. lol! I accepted the invitation, I mean in 2017 how many guys actually invite you to church? - A request I had made on Facebook long before, that a guy would invite me church. Nevertheless, this time I didn't make so many 'wise cracks'. I simply went to church because it is a place where the God I partially believed in is represented. This was the Sunday everything turned around. The worshipers were singing this song; Four Days Late, and I found myself standing there with tears pouring out, like a waterfall from a lake, uncontrollably down my cheeks. It was as if God was emptying me of somethings I had been holding in.

From that day, I had to decide, if I wanted to continue attending this church. The answer was made clear to me after a dream I had that same week. So I continued attending, then in November, I asked God for an opportunity to renew my relationship with Him Completely. On Sunday the 27th of November 2017, God gave me that opportunity when the pastor made an alter call. I knew it was my chance and I grabbed it!

From that day I have been attending this church and growing spiritually each day. God has been transforming my life and showing up for me so deeply that I cannot explain how overwhelming it all is. A year later, I am celebrating my one year anniversary as a baptized by water and Holy Spirit child of God. I am on a quest to go deeper with my creator and to not waste another minute of my life not living for Him.

So the next time you want to laugh at a christian or make fun of them, you just might be 'embarassed' by The Holy Spirit, which in any case is a good form of embarrassment. lol!

Special thanks to Sherwin Gardner, Pastor Stephen Andrews & Loudes Andrews and the House of Restoration Ministries for allowing God to use you for my spiritual development. To my big sis, Jackie for her help and to Prophet Grant for helping me continue on this path. I truly do not want to go back! To God be the glory and may you all be abundantly blessed. 

The song:

Friday, 17 November 2017

Life in your mind

Written by Netisha Alie 

Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.-
Romans 12:2 New Living Translation

Can one truly control their mind? Do you need to learn to control it? Your mind is the part of you that allows you to feel, perceive, think, will and reason (Merriam Webster Dictionary.) Sounds like quite a 'setting' to me. With so much going on in such a space, you'd believe that we are more considerate to others, nah! Many are of the perception that age makes you 'have it all together' and you do not need help. Media plays on the strings on people's minds daily, striking melodies of its choice. Taking many into an endless limbo of control. 

One of the benefits of a true life in Christ is that He takes your mindset on another level that is beyond the natural world. 
Of course I am fully aware that not everyone in this beautiful world believes in God :). However, in spite of your beliefs, everyone simply does what works for them. There is a common ground though, we all have a mind and in it A LOT of things happen. Some claim to have peace of mind, others lose their mind and there are those who have constant battles within the most powerful tool of their existence. -The Mind! 

Many claim that each other are deceived and countless others 'charge' into battle on a quest to find 'The Truth'! What we fail to understand as humans is the wisdom that was bestowed upon us is constantly misused to make us ignorant. -Blinded by the facts before our very eyes. Some get lost in all the charade and simply cannot comprehend forces against them. Then the unthinkable happens and everyone is making intelligent remarks and offering solutions to a problem that has been there way before this tragic end. Youth take their lives physically through suicide or mentally (psychotic breakdowns). Yet many fail to see the bigger picture.
We have joined a line of norms to pursue endless goals that traps us into a system where failure to think independently and question occurrences is the dominating aim. 'WHEN' will we awake from our slumber to recon the gift of inspiration and intelligence we have been given, and use it to connect with each other deep enough to know that though we are everything status can offer, we are HUMAN? Get up each day, get to know You, accept You, guard your MIND against the sleazy tricks of mind controllers and focus on what makes YOU happy, rather than what seems to be making others happy. We truly are not all the same!!! ;)  

How much longer will we neglect cohesive progress and sort after selfish gains that result in unhappiness? Many believe material things are what we need to keep up with the latest trends fed to us as 'vital' is bliss. Who are you fooling? 

Every human wants one thing; TO BE HAPPY! And unless you know what takes you to that place you will forever remain in the mind games of those who do and never advance to the next level because you're too blind following to see that you are being oppressed. 

Saturday, 11 November 2017

Stay still and stink or keep moving and grow!

Written by Netisha Alie 
Written by Netisha Alie 

Growing up in the beautiful country side of rugged fresh Dominica, I was fascinated by the way the water in a nearby stream would be dirty from the soap of my mom's laundry in one location, but clean a few yards lower. As the water flows on the soil and rocks, it replenishes and cleans up. Stagnant dirty water however, would remain dirty and eventually develop a stench.

Human life is much like that, rivers flow, oceans make waves, lakes and ponds have life forms contributing to its continual freshness and BABIES do not remain babies. We physically grow daily, whether horizontally or vertically, we're moving. Even the good book tells us "When I was a child, I spake as a child, I felt as a child, I thought as a child: now that I am become a man, I have put away childish things." 1 Corinthians 13:11 Psychologists postulate stages of development, Scientist posits the life cycle of living things, oh well, you get the point. ALL LIVING THINGS GROW! Even when you are doing the same job for many years, you are still doing it differently because you are not the same from the time you started.

Stating all the above was necessary to show just how inevitable growth is. Becoming an adult means that there are just some things one is not expected to do anymore. Your dress code changes as you mature, the partying and drinking are traded for a more quiet laid back idea of recreation. Spouses are chosen, multiple partners don't cut it anymore because you just want that one person to settle with. Goals change, life perspectives shift and maturity sets in. Some people get there before others, and that it quite fine, for it is not how long you get there but once you keep moving.

Then there are those people who are like adults trapped in teenagers bodies. Refusing to let go and come to terms with aging. People who remain like that stagnant dirty water and set in their ways. When you hit a certain age you really have no excuse. Now that you have become a man, it is time to 'put away childish things.'

So do a self check sometime, are you stagnant and going nowhere like still water, waiting to become further contaminated, or are you like that river or stream that flows to the ocean, which gets dirty along the way but keeps on flowing till it gets clean again and reaches its destination?

Life is for growing, keep on moving to experience its fulness.

Facebook Validation: Is your value based on FB likes?

Written by Netisha Alie 

So a young man decided to create a 'Social Network' where people can connect with family and friends or even make new ones, in as space that didn't require them to leave their homes.-The Mighty Facebook. Years later, is Facebook still serving that same purpose or has it 'gone mad?"

A space where friends and family once connected has become a battle ground for world's best Life and a valuation stop where its users can get a stamp of LIKES or reactions to determine the Value of whatever they are sharing. How can we not see the seriousness in this once innocently fun tool which has transformed into a depressing and overwhelming space?

'If it is not on Facebook it is not happening, I didn't get enough likes so they don't like me, I need to up my 'likes' level by doing whatever is necessary, She/he is doing it this  way on FB so I need to do it this way to be like her...

There are people who post to compete with others, create impressions, showcasing fake lives... when in fact they are very unhappy. what are you hiding behind the facade? Who are you trying to impress? How does posting every detail of your life on the internet add a value to your happiness? What is the need to compete for likes from people you do not know, who do not know you in the streets? Getting 1 like or 100 likes from dishonest people who won't even tell you the truth or what they see, is in no way adding value to your life. The level of deception and competition on this network is taking society to a level where it will share any and everything to get 'likes' and feel 'important.'

The Social Media portal has proven to be such a valuable tool to provide useful information, connect families, market businesses, share memories and so much more. Do not be fooled, compare you to your former you, accept you, grow, never compare yourself to others, you never know what they did to get there...

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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