Sunday, 24 September 2017

Lost Everything: Still got life

Written by Netisha Alie 

In the light of all these hurricanes hitting the caribbean this season, the affected countries'  people sang the same song; "We lost everything but we have life..." What can we learn from this disaster?
                              Remnants of Dominica after Hurricane Maria 2017, a constant reminder

Jesus said to His apostles; "what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?" .... Mark 8:36 when he explained to them what it took to truly be His follower. Does this statement, like much of the bible, apply to us today? It sure does and here's how.

Anything we hope to accomplish in life is going to require our time and attention. We put in the work and time and reap the harvest later. Wherever we direct our time and work it is there we shall get the rewards. So we work hard and spend no time with ourselves and family? Work pays us a nice salary while our family and health suffer from the 'neglect.' We live in a world where many people are busy paper chasing to acquire material things that they can surely live without. Then before they know it, they are celebrating another birthday that seem like yesterday or their baby is graduating from college and they are wondering where the time went.

"I'm busy...", "Let me check my schedule..." "Time is so short..." We humans lately always seem to be racing with the clock and still not getting enough done. We even forget to eat or sleep because we just have too much to get done. Hence the reason for 'fast foods' and ridiculous technology that may soon use the bathroom for us if we are not careful. A wise man once told me; 'don't burn the middle...' when I  told him how busy I was. And by that he was simply trying to get me to see that we have childhood, then our beautiful peak 'middle' years of 20' ad 30's we literally 'burn' working so hard that by the time we slow down to really enjoy life we are too old to do it.

The worst part in all this is that we are literally killing ourselves trying to acquire things that hurricanes and 'life' can take away from us within one hour of intense 170+ force winds and rain. Actually, whatever nature doesn't take from you, death will because you'll surely DIE and leave it all behind. 'So what do you expect us to do, not work for what we want?' You may ask, 'heavens no,' i'll reply. We just need to find balance, work for material things and the things money just can't buy, not just the former. How about building strong loving family bonds and relationships, volunteering in your community or taking that cooking or dancing class you know you want to do? Life was given so that we can enjoy it and live it to the fullest. Why are we so bent on losing our souls to gain things that will fade away?

Let's not get caught up in all the useless buzz of the cooperate world that is trying to over work us for invaluable things we could lose within seconds, and allow LOVE, appreciation and a sense of community to prevail among us. Besides do you want to live an accomplished life or one where you turn 50 and realize you wasted it chasing mirages? If you chose the former, let Jesus' words be a reminder that it sure doesn't profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul. For material things can be replaced, but once you lose your soul that pretty much does it for you.

Saturday, 16 September 2017

Religious Christianity Versus Spiritual Christianity!

Written by Netisha Alie 

Dear children,
" I know the plans i have for you...plans to prosper you and not harm you" Jeremiah 29:11
"God does not give us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind." 2 Timothy 1:7
"I will never leave you nor forsake you..." Hebrews 13:5
"Peace i give you my peace i leave you... I do not give as the world gives, let not your heart be troubled" John 14 27

                                      The peace of the Lord is blissful...His unfinished work...

Christianity and the bible teachings is one of the most amazing aspects of life that sadly many fight and never get the chance to TRULY EXPERIENCE. Many people are bent on critiquing and judging 'Christians' because they have had some form of experience with christianity as a child, where their parents most likely forced them to.-Then they grew up and got 'wiser' or they have just had the experience where the bible was taught as another history book. Either way, does this qualify such an individual to speak on who christians truly are?

I cannot stress enough, that everyone is free to choose whom or what they believe but there is one underlying fact of life that many will agree that unless you truly experience something for what it is, you never really understand what it's about. You cannot criticize the people in the ghetto, if you have never been there. You do not know what it's like to be a mother or father or teacher or a rape get the point, unless you have some form of experience with it. By now people should know that life was created for us to experience and in those experiences we grow or remain stagnant or in extreme cases even 'fail'.

I have heard about God and the bible all my life, but it is not until a few isolated experiences in this journey that I have truly realized that for majority of my life I really hadn't experience the true core of Christianity and what it stands for. I've watched people criticize the bible's teachings and provoke its contents based on how they see some christians live.-'That the bible was a written by man to control a specific race', 'that the world is ending ages ago, and christians are the worst because they commit more sin' and the list goes on. Hey, even christians criticize and judge other christians so who are the non christians not to right?

Let's open our eyes a bit and try to be as opened as possible here for a moment. The church going every Sunday, sing a few hymns, listening to the word and not applying it, call on God or remember Him in troubles, living a life style pleasing to you (selfish, self serving) fearful in times of destress, not hearing the voice of God, and the list goes on is mere religious christianity.

There is another christianity that in my experience takes the individual to another level in this life. It is like their mind transforms into something above the natural. Your mind begins to be renewed, you first accept that you are 'beautiful and wonderfully made, ' Psalms 139: 14, that ' you are never alone,' that you were created to be great and successful, that no matter what someone (the creator or love itself) will ALWAYS LOVE YOU, that you never have to be afraid in this life, not even of death because 'He is with you'. You have an inner peace that leaves you a naturally happy person because you know 'by worrying you will not add a year to your life." Mathew 6:25

 You become a selfless person, who go about life helping others and loving them, tolerating them knowing that everyone fights their own battles. Happiness, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, self-control all qualities you will have, transferred to you by the spirit. -You hear a voice that helps you go through life like a parent is always there to direct your path. :O
Are you amazed yet? How can this lifestyle be such a bad thing? Especially in a world where there is so much pain and anxiety and negativity.

Now the aspect that I have seen most people target is the "fear and control" instilled by the bible. God is to be 'feared' yes. Just like your parents should be. How? This fear of God is not running to hide like Adam, but instead RESPECTING and HONORING HIM enough to first receive the life He wants for you and being grateful enough to acknowledge Him. If your parents raised you well, gave you everything and when you grow up, you walk away from them and live as though they never existed, would that be 'ok' in your books?

The bible teaches great morals and ethical practices that help create a society of order and that is by no means 'controlling' because every area of this life has 'rules'. If there isn't any rule, we all see and know what happens. Clearly humans cannot operate without some level of 'control'. Not control to take away your freedom but 'control' to bring order.

So the true spiritual christians who are spiritually connected to God have a more blissful life than anyone else. The connection is above, not eating pork or not helping someone in need because it is the sabbath day. Jesus came so that He could teach us that these rules are not done to glorify God unless our HEARTS are in alignment with Him.

So before you go around 'trampling' a christian, perhaps you should try to experience it yourself, not the go to church on Sunday one, but the true connected to God spiritually one, and 'taste and see the goodness of the Lord..." and after you do, freely give your view.

Now we know and expect critiques of our beliefs :) and we are not bothered by that because we know who we serve. However, this article has one true lesson; if you have never truly experienced something in this life, it's best to keep your mouth zipped until you actually know (experience) it lest you look like a fool, and this is not just for christianity but for any and everything in life. #listenifyouhaveears

Sunday, 3 September 2017

Quick Fix:What's the Hurry?

Written by Netisha Alie 

Sunrises and Sunsets are two of nature's most beautiful experiences, both take TIME and are completely worth every second in the end. "Whoever is patient has great understanding, but one who is quick-tempered displays folly."- Proverbs 14:29 NIV

                                                                Photo by Netisha Alie

Most people don't want to wait on the process to acquire things in life anymore... they do not want to go through the preparation and allow God to work in them or to give the seeds they planted time to die, water it, care for it and wait for it to grow into a tree that will eventually bear fruits. -Fruits that can be enjoyed. Instead, they are too busy being like little 'brats' who whine that they want it and 'want it now!'-not realizing that this exact mindset is a reason for their own demise. Your blessing could become a curse if you are not prepared to handle it or take on and manage the weight that comes with it. There's a reason why humans have stages of development and don't just go from baby to adult overnight.

"Easy come easy go," they say and as quickly as you compromised your integrity to gain those riches you will lose them just as quickly. What's the rush anyway? The world seems to be in a race to a finish line that doesn't exist. No one wants to wait on water to boil anymore, when there's a microwave, but at what cost?

A mango is probably one of the most common, most loved and tastiest fruits in many parts of the world. However, before we get mangoes, we must first plant a seed or seedling and sure it takes  a while to grow, but with care and patience, it blossoms into a healthy tree that bears fruits sometimes two to three times a year. -Each crop coming fully loaded. Would we have enjoyed mangoes if no one planted and waited?

Life is much like a mango tree, somethings take a minute, some take an hour and some things, well some things (mango trees) need a little more time to get there. Most times, these are usually the best things in life. When you have labored and patiently watched your seed grow and develop, you grow and develop too. There is power in waiting and having patience.

So plant your seed, grab some snacks if you must, put in the work and watch it grow into something beautiful. The point is, to achieve great things in life, it takes time; a few road blocks and a 'couple' falls, which may leave scars, but if you endure it all and find ways to learn and enjoy the experience while you 'go through,' you'll reach the end with great victory. Do you really think God needed (7) seven days to create earth? He sure TOOK HIS TIME, because greatness and beauty just cannot be RUSHED.

Besides, you'll never know and cherish what you have unless you truly took the time to understand what it takes to acquire it.

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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