Wednesday, 26 July 2017

A Stinging Truth is Better Than a 'Sweet Lie'

Written by Netisha Alie 

Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful. - Proverbs 27:6

Would you prefer a lie over the truth? If you got the truth, can you handle it? 

                                                        Photo by Netisha Alie

We all know that person that we can't stand. The one who isn't afraid to tell us that we are taking the wrong path or that we are wrong about something we'd much rather to be 'right' about. -That friend who will not 'sugar coat' anything just to 'safe guard' our feelings but will be straight up and give us the REAL DEAL. Most people do not like such persons around. They call them 'rude' and 'bold' , not like there's anything wrong with being bold, but hey you get the drift! Truth is we all know such person or come across them in our life. 

So how does one respond to such an individual and what can we all learn from them? I can never forget the day I received a message from my 'girlie' stating; "Hey I need your take on something, because I can trust you to give me the honest truth and to be real..." Waw! Sure felt great to finally be genuinely respected. :) You see humans are wired in such a way that they believe they need to be 'nice/in agreement' all the time. -That the answer to all their needs and wants should be 'yes!' and the moment someone comes around with a difference of opinion or the hard cold truth, the 'defense antenna' shoots up and we are ready to battle. One must learn to accept in life any balanced individual must be able to accept truth or be prepared to be lied to and get hurt by the truth later. No one said the truth is always 'buttered bread' or your 'favourite cup of tea' but it is the 'TRUTH' and what you'd rather to hear in the first place. 

Proverbs, both biblical and others, shed light on the truth versus lies and the consequences of lies. 

"Faithful are the wounds of a friend, But the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." (Proverbs 27:6)  Anyone who lies to you is 'an enemy blowing you deceitful kisses.' Look at it as the person does not value and respect you enough to just 'be real' and tell you the truth. A lie may save you a few tears today but bring you great sorrow tomorrow. No need to preach about this as everyone has been lied to at least once in their lives and can weigh out the consequences. Which one causes more damage? -The Truth or A lie? Think about it, then ask yourself which do you deserve, because everyone deserves the truth, no matter how 'hard' it can be at times.  Why?  Because as the Russian Proverb says; it is 'better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.' For life doesn't hit you with anything 'sugar coated' but rather, it comes at you very 'real' and 'raw.' Thus, best to put your feet in the ground and charge on to receive it. 

So the next time you meet that 'rude' and 'bold' person, how about you give them a second look and put your 'little take offense feelings.' aside,  toughen up and really see the genuine goodness in their honesty. Besides, in everything there is good, its just up to us to find it and you'll truly be glad you did! 

Saturday, 15 July 2017

Men Man-up or Watch a Lady do it For You!

Written by Netisha Alie 

For centuries men have had the dominating role in society. Take a trip back to Genesis 1 and check out who The Creator Himself created on the 6th day, after He made everything else and needed a ruler for it all.-Man!
Throughout history men have gone to the moon (if you wish to believe it...), set sail to discover land masses across planet earth, men led revolutions (Martin Luther King...) even the bible has stories of great men chosen to do God's work.
Surely this is by no means a sexist stance, nor am I seeking to imply that woman did not make significant steps in history. However, the main idea here is to establish the role men have held from the beginning of time, and what they are actually doing with it today. 

Ladies, you know we love it when the men fix our cars and do most of the heavy lifting or manual work around the home, while we can look cute giving them a nice glass of lemonade. It doesn't mean we cannot do it ourselves but we see it fitting to let him 'be a MAN' and round up those muscles to do his manly do. 

Truth be told men are viewed as leaders, those who not only lead a household, but lead a community, lead a company, hey! Lead a country or entire region even. They are expected to take charge and do the things that make us woman want to look up to them as mature beings with a great 'head' on their necks. - But what happens when they fail to reach our expectations? What happens when they lie, cheat, deceive, feed off you, compete for most 'baby mammas' and getting the latest car or sneakers when they know they are starving? What do we do? Can we look up to men who have chosen to be more feminine than we are and compete with us for the last pair of skinny jeans on the Sale Rack? 

It is with little wonder that ladies have come to realize that they have to change their oil and tires themselves, because they can't easily find a man who will. They must seek after career and education advancement to be who men fail to be. They must now play the role of mommy and DADDY because daddy is too busy doing everything else but being a father. Ladies must now study the bible and allow God to use them in the church because there aren't enough men to do it. Even at the P.TA  meetings men a fewer in number. Almost every aspect of society now calls for a woman to 'Man-up' and take the place of a man. 
One can choose to say not all men are like this but there are too many who have lost their touch and ladies have decided, we will not fall with you but 'do it for you...' The number of men neglecting their responsibility is beginning to cause concern. Who will teach our boys how they should be? And ladies you may try as much as you can to fill that gap, there are just some things only a FATHER/ MAN can teach a child. 

So then, Men take a brief moment and do some reflection. Are you truly making that contribution to society you were obviously destined to make? Are you man enough? Stop shooting down a lady for doing 'a man's job' when you have clearly chosen to do other tasks, you might as well be the woman. God is certainly calling on His men to rebuild his kingdom, but where are they? 
....Men, Man-up or Watch a Lady do it For You! 

The misconception of the Jesus is coming SOON concept

  Written by Netisha Alie-Grant (Author of Walking a Two-Way street & The Essence of Life: God, Them, & Me!”  Listen to Podcast here...

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